1-30-06 Branched Oak Ice fishing report

  • Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    The bite continues to be a tough one for me at the Lincoln area lakes. Pete and I headed out to B.O. last night and went to one of our typical hot spots. When we arrived it looked as though it was going to be a good evening. We were marking fish in nearly every hole but couldn’t get any takers. There was a few chasers but none would hit. We ended the night with 1 catfish and that was it.
    I’m begining to wonder if our previous 3 mild winters have something to do with the tough bite on these smaller lakes around Lincoln. In years with little or no ice the shad populations really get out of control. Now we have a decent winter with some good ice and the shad start to die. I think all of the fish are so fat and happy from eating shad and that is why the bite is so tough. With the winter kill on the shad populations we should see some great fishing this spring and summer on these smaller lakes.
    What has been others expierence with the bite on any of the Lincoln area lakes????

    On the Water
    Posts: 368

    Doesn’t that just tick a guy off when you can see them and they won’t hit anything!

    them thar hills, SW Nebraska
    Posts: 173

    Dont know if this qualifies as lincoln area ,but I have been ice “catching” the trout at Mahoney. Today was the first day that I did not come home with a limit. Not because of lack of bites so much as slick ice and poles spread too far apart. I took a header at one point to save a fish from flopping back into a hole. I guarantee that if any of the parks guys were watching me out there today they got a good laugh. It sure is easier when you have a partner along with ya, if for nothing else but to grab that rod that is bouncing while you are trying to pee. I know that those fish are just stockers but they sure are fun and tasty on the smoker.This is my first year ice fishing , needless to say I am very timid on the ice. Every time I hear it crack I think I suck my pants clear up to my colon. We have caught a few that are bigger than 12″ most have been 9-11″ long. Ice is in good condition about 8-10″ thick with some frozen sluch on top of that.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148


    This is my first year ice fishing , needless to say I am very timid on the ice. Every time I hear it crack I think I suck my pants clear up to my colon.

    I still have that happen from time to time.
    I’ve been thinking about taking my nephew over there to catch some of those trout. Is there a steady bite on those things most of the day? I need something to keep a 7 year old busy!!

    them thar hills, SW Nebraska
    Posts: 173

    pm sent

    Omaha, Ne
    Posts: 211

    As far as the shad die off, fishing will most likely be very tough during the actual die off. Your best bet would be a slab spoon of some sort to match the fluttering action of the dying shad. You are correct though, it should make for better fishing in the spring. Better to pay the price now in my opinion .

    Posts: 39

    That actually helps me understand why fishing has been so tuff the last week here in SC NE Tomich. I have to beat this skunk as it is two trips in a row now. Thinking of Harlan next Teu. and your slabbing idea will help. May set up a few tip ups as well but either way I just want to kiss a fish

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