Pelican Lake

  • sc maps
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 6

    Hey guys,

    I’m new to in-depthangling and I’d thought I’d start out with a fishing report for whatever it’s worth. I fished Pelican lake last week. Walleye’s from the 15-22″ range were stacked on the weed edges where ever there was wind blowing in to the edges in the 20-22 foot range regardless of the time of day. It was pretty windy and I wish I had better boat control. They were in a tight spot and it was hard to keep that spot. Any tricks to keep better boat control? I just got a new to me boat (my first boat) and am still learning how to keep a spot in high winds. For you bass guys, the bass were killing my walleye rigs in the sharp dropoffs in Nelson bay in about 15-18 feet. If I were fishing for them, I think I would have done all right.


    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Welcome to IDA Scottie!
    Great first report!!!! Just a note on boat control in the wind! If you find feeding fish like that and its tough to stay in one spot with trolling motor or big motor, don’t be afraid to throw out the anchor!! Sit ontop of these fish or nearby and either cast and drag your presentation back to the boat…( kinda like trolling) or simply bobber fish them! Both ways can be effective in the wind. Sometimes its better to let mother nature win, and simply take the easy way out and anchor!!!
    I look forward to hearing more reports from the Brainerd area!!!!

    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    Welcome to IDA SC Looking forward to many more reports. Love2Fish.

    sc maps
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 6

    Thanks Calvin! I did try to anchor, but I need something much better than I have. I agree with you, if the feeding fish are there, stay there. I have your basic anchor and a 16′ 6″ boat. The bottom was muddy. Do you think I should get a second anchor? Is there an anchor out there that can hold in high winds and soft bottom’s?

    Thanks for your help guys!

    Posts: 711

    get your self a river anchor (don’t be fool by the size and wieght there not very heavy)

    sc maps
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 6

    Are those the light-weight spiked anchors?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Something to try if the wind isn’t blowing straight in…use a drift sock off the back and use your bow mount to hold you out…it is more of a controlled drift than a troll but you can more effectively control your position.

    I have learned that fighting the wind is useless because you get frustrated and spend more time trying to control the boat than fishing. Whenever possible use the wind to your advantage by positioning a drift sock or drift socks in different places on the boat.

    Couple other options
    Try using the main engine and a drift sock off the bow and back troll.
    Otherwise tie the drift sock off short enough so it won’t reach the back of the boat and forward troll with the sock on the front eye, this way the sock goes under the boat….just gotta remember it is there when fighting fish.

    sc maps
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 6

    Those sound like good options too. I’ve seen guys do something similar to that. Thanks JB!

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