Brainerd Area

  • Rick Janssen
    Posts: 342

    I am heading up to Nissawa/Brainerd are starting on Sat. This is a family trip, but will be bringing the boat along and doing some fishing. We are on Upper Cullen lake. Just wondering if anyone has any newer reports of the area? We can always fish other lakes in the area also. I am excited as my family is all heading up there from across the country to be together. We started going up with my wifes family 36 years ago when FIL payed for everything. I wanted to keep the tradition going and this is the first with MY family including MY grandkids etc. My son, who is 37 went up when he was 1 and for many years after. He even was talking about him memories of the OLD Paul Bunyan land. He said we are going to the new location for sure. I can’t wait to take my 5 year old grand daughter to see Paul. I even helped her put her pole in the rod locker in the boat last night and store away her life jacket and tackle box. She was so excited to put her pole in with Papa’s stuff. I will report back when we get home.

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