Braided line noob

  • Tarnkt
    Posts: 8

    I spooled up some power pro 30 lb line on my spinning reel to throw some frogs in the slop this year and my first time out was pretty much a disaster.

    After a couple hours of fishing a huge loop showed up out of nowhere knotting up at the spool after a cast and I had to strip 50 plus yards out to get to the bottom of it. Then I got an awesome knot around my first guide after another long cast so my 150 yard spool was pretty much toast.

    Before the issues I was loving the performance of the braid and I have fished mono for years without any issues like this.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    Interesting to see the replies… I at times get those terrible knots out of no where, and even while being careful. It is like, where the heck did that dane thing come from. Now I am using ten pound, but.

    Not sure it matters, 30# sounds heavy on a spinning rod, but I’m not much into knowing on the heavier stuff.

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    Maybe try suffix 832

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I believe there are a couple factors to wind knots. Line size, lure weight and most importantly slack line or worse, a loop on yours spool.

    So it’s difficult to say what your issue is. Guys are going to say the #1 thing you need to do with a spinning reel and braid is after the cast close the bail manually and pull the line tight so it’s snug on the spool.

    I think new line is also more susceptible to wind knots. I posted about this issue last year but since that posts the wind knots have decreased to basically 0.

    I’ve also learned that the best way to get a wind knot out is grab the line on both sides of the knot and pull the knot down tight. I have even yanked it on bad knots. The line will either break, cinch the knot or more often than not, remove the knot. Either way its worth a shot before just cutting the line.

    Posts: 5139

    First off a spinning reel is not a good reel for fishing slop. You will have difficult time getting fish out.

    Second, and most important, on a spinning reel, if you don’t close the bail by hand each cast and instead use the reel handle to close the bail you will slowly get a twist in the line. That twist will eventually end up into a knotted mess like you describe. Whenever using a spinning reel close the bail by hand. It doesn’t matter what line you are using; power pro, suffix, fireline, mono, or fluorocarbon, that twist will eventually ruin your day, some lines just faster than others.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    And spool the line up under tension, the more the better. If the line on the reel is “soft” or loose, then turns on the outer diameter can pull down into the spool. When it comes back out it will pull a loop of line and that leads to disaster. I usually run a pencil or a wooden dowel through the new spool of line and hold it between my knees so I can squeeze down on the spool. It’s a lot of work but it seems to help.


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    One of the nice things about braid is no mater how bad those knots looks they just about all come out. Just dont cinch them down tight.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    One of the nice things about braid is no mater how bad those knots looks they just about all come out. Just dont sinch them down tight.

    I guess it depends on the knot too. If there are loops I can grab, I’ll pull on those first, as opposed to cinching the knot. But I get a good percent out just cinching the line. It’s not like a backlash. A wind knot is basically loops wrapped around each other. But if one loop gets in tight on another loop your screwed, because it will keep the outer loop from pulling out.

    That’s my non scientifically proven MHO anyway. )

    Posts: 3696

    The best advice above is to close the bail manually. Keeps the line from twisting, you’d be amazed how much after a few hours of casting…

    United States
    Posts: 1434

    Braided line takes a twist just like extruded line. It is just not as noticeable as with the other lines. That is until you get the dreaded tangle and the line twist adds to the mess. All of the mentioned causes plus reeling against the drag and lure spin add up. Periodically removing the line twist by letting the bait dangle and untwist (only gets rid of some of the twist) and cutting the line and running behind the boat will help when that tangle eventually comes. Lots of other good advice here.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Second, and most important, on a spinning reel, if you don’t close the bail by hand each cast and instead use the reel handle to close the bail you will slowly get a twist in the line. That twist will eventually end up into a knotted mess like you describe. Whenever using a spinning reel close the bail by hand. It doesn’t matter what line you are using; power pro, suffix, fireline, mono, or fluorocarbon, that twist will eventually ruin your day, some lines just faster than others.

    X 10 waytogo
    Try telling that to your “I know everything” son-in-law….You get accused of “yelling” at him the 5th time the line does that….. doah

    Posts: 8

    Thanks for the responses. I learned the manual bail close in fishing 101 with dad years ago so that wasn’t the issue.

    It was windy and I was using heavy lures so I had a lot of slack to reel up every cast. I’m guessing this lead to loops and soft spool problems. I’ll buy another spool and reel it under tension from now on.

    Wish me luck!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Great responses….except for “Maybe try suffix 832”. All braids, including the almighty 832, are prone to this problem. While 832 may be a good line it certainly isn’t immune to problems….experience using it speaking here.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    In addition to the closing the bail by hand, add this 1 technique and you’ll just about NEVER have a loop in there again. Close the bail and give the line a slight tug to make it taunt to the spool BEFORE turning the handle.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    taunt to the spool BEFORE turning the handle

    What? Bully! Be nice to your line. )

    …sorry, couldn’t resist when I read it.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    I will say that this is where better equipment does help reduce the birdnest problems. Still there is a user experience in which paying attention to how the line lay on the spool plays the most important part. It is a bit more than just closing the bail manually. Sometimes you have to pinch the line and reel it back onto the spool and keep it snugged.

    Braid or mono, I do the same.

    Posts: 696

    all very good advice
    one other think i like to do with braid is wet the line before spooling it. i usually just soak the whole spool in water for a lil bit.

    Joel VandeKrol
    Ankeny, IA
    Posts: 460

    Maybe try suffix 832

    I have tried several times to like Suffix 832. Very strong line but I have trouble with it wrapping around the rod tip. Have snapped two rod tips while fishing the river slipping the current. Not a fan.

    Fireline works best for me.

    Posts: 1748

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Jake28 wrote:</div>
    Maybe try suffix 832

    I have tried several times to like Suffix 832. Very strong line but I have trouble with it wrapping around the rod tip. Have snapped two rod tips while fishing the river slipping the current. Not a fan.

    Fireline works best for me.

    X 2 — to much hipe on this site about any of the 832 stuff (junk) and over priced.
    fades way to fast also

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