Braided line length?

  • Jason
    Posts: 884

    Question on line length –

    On a typical setup using 1000 or 2000 series spinning reels casting jigs, slip bobbers, and cranks for panfish and walleye fishing using Suffix 832 braid are people spooling (2) spinning reels on a 150 yard spool of line or are people putting all of the spool on (1) reel? I would think 200+ feet of braid would be enough if you where to try to split it up 50/50??

    How are most people treating 150 yard spools?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    I never buy 150 yes spoils. For me, the 75 yrds is just not quite enough Either 300 or 3000 and most are set up for exactly 100 per spool

    1. image.jpg

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    You have to add mono backing when using braid or it will spin freely on your reel.

    I usually get away with spooling two reels with a 150 yd spool in that size reel.

    If I am spooling two reels I will tie the braid on first and run 75 yards and then the backing.. This sounds backwards but then I know how much backing is needed. I then put this line from reel # 1 to reel # two tying the backing on to reel #2 first so the backing is on and at the correct length. Does that make sense?? I try to get a full spool so this allows you to use the backing to fill to your spool correct using 75 yds of braid.

    Posts: 884

    It makes sense to me. Never done it that way myself though.

    Lou W
    Posts: 206

    Most of my reels are 100% braid. From tuna reels to panfish. A wrap of vet wrap on the spool and nothing slips, ever.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    I’m fine with 75yards of braided line on a spinning reel. That’s more than enough. It the braid/backing knot is becoming visible, put some electrical tape over it. No more snags on the cast.

    When using filler spools, I sometimes go by percentage of the spool, and buy a separate spool for each type of reel. Do 50/50% on a 150 yard spool, or 33/33/33% on a 200 or 300 yarder.

    I make a mark on the plastic spool when it’s full, then wind it on until it’s half empty on, let’s say, and 150-200 yard spool. Then when I replace that line, what’s remaining on the spool is equal to what I put on the first time, so it fills right to the top with no line wasted.

    Once I get the backing and braid proportions dialed in, they don’t need to change. I know next year, 50% of a 150yard Sufix 832 spool of 10# line will fit perfectly on top of the backing on my spinning reel. It won’t change.

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