Braided fishing line constantly knotting up

  • Tony Robbins
    Posts: 2

    I’ve definitely had my fair share of wind knots and headaches with leader connections. I know some guys run straight braid, others swear by braid-to-fluoro, and some still stick with good ol’ mono for certain situations. What’s been working best for you under heavy wind conditions?

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    What is a “wind knot”? I’ve seen the term used in fly fishing, and in that case it’s a result of over powering the cast and has nothing to do with wind. Is your line maybe twisted? That could lead to kinks and snarls.


    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5176

    I never have problems with braid even in windy conditions. If you are, you either have too much on the spool or you’re looping your casts.

    Almost every rod I have is suffix 832 with a fluoro leader. Typically 6 or 8# braid.

    Posts: 3915

    Edited,I thought you were having problems at the reel.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    I never have problems with braid even in windy conditions. If you are, you either have too much on the spool or you’re looping your casts.

    Almost every rod I have is suffix 832 with a fluoro leader. Typically 6 or 8# braid.

    I’m with Matt on this one. I run 83w on all but a few rods. 832 to a fluoro leader. Both spinning and baitcasting set ups. Anything from 8 to 50lbs set ups. I never have that issue.
    Maybe you over spoiled the reel, or looping casts, also have lots of slack in the spool that’ll cause issues with any line. If it’s knotting I’d guess there’s slack or reel a ton against the drag.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1862

    If what you mean by wind knots are when the braid knots itself around your rod blank and then you have to slide it over the tip top, yes, I have those problems as well. Have had them with every braid I’ve tried. Some old river rat once told me that when you get them, apply chap stick to the tip top, it makes it easier to slide the knot over the top guide, so I do that and it’s worked good. My main lines are Suffix 832, Power Pro, and Fireline Crystal 3/8. All have done it. If it is from over casting, I wouldn’t be surprised, I do make bomber casts and use light jigs.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5176

    If what you mean by wind knots are when the braid knots itself around your rod blank and then you have to slide it over the tip top, yes, I have those problems as well. Have had them with every braid I’ve tried. Some old river rat once told me that when you get them, apply chap stick to the tip top, it makes it easier to slide the knot over the top guide, so I do that and it’s worked good. My main lines are Suffix 832, Power Pro, and Fireline Crystal 3/8. All have done it. If it is from over casting, I wouldn’t be surprised, I do make bomber casts and use light jigs.

    Bombing casts with light jigs will do it. You need to keep some tension between the tip and the lure. Those light jigs start to float and the line wraps. Smaller eyelets and longer rods can help.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    Add me to the list of guys never having a “wind knot” Someone needs to take a pic and show me what it looks like….


    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1920

    You could also call it a line tangle or tip wrap. It’s kinda like a backlash, but on a spinning rod. The term is a misnomer because it’s usually not caused by wind, rather it’s caused by braid+spinning rod=twisted line.

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