braid line question

  • tomr
    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    When fishing braid do you tie the braid directly to lure or do you think you would have better success with mono or floro leader?

    Francis K
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 840

    Depends on water clarity and presentation. Basically I use a leader in clear water like Mille Lacs. I’ll tie direct to braid when fishing The Miss.

    Phil Bauerly
    Walker, MN - Leech Lake
    Posts: 866

    For me re-tying with a flouro leader is a bit easier too, of course I cut mono and flouro with my teeth and I need a scissors with braid.

    Posts: 776

    I use braid , direct tie with Rats & Plunking around grass and pads,I don’t like braid for the rest of the presentations. On Spinning reels I use 20# Braid and 8,10,12# Fluorocarbon depending on water clarity and presentation.I use braid or fluorocarbon on swim jigs depending on how heavy the cover I’m fishing and water clarity.
    Stan wave

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    A few reasons I would do a leader of mono or flouro

    Stealth, when situations calls for it, but can’t hurt if you’re all rigged up already.

    Finesse, well the braid to finesse sort of follows the stealth reason. But I may end up doing a 4# leader to 20# braid, especially for ice fishing. Well I would’ve have a more appropriate finesse of 6# braid setup, but if ever the case of improper planning should happen.

    Prolonged life, braids last pretty long, but it does wear out. Especially were the fish teeth maybe gnawing on, or just abrasion contact surfaces like zebra muscles.

    Toothy leader resistance, yes I may use 30# mono flouro to a 20# braid. Maybe I just want my leader line to last longer as well.

    Finesse casting distance. Well maybe a few feet difference, but when casting UL lures, any weight forwarded setup couldn’t hurt it. I noticed that when I went with just fluorocarbon lines, my casting distance fell a few feet short. Braid lines themselves given me the casting distances already, optimized is hey why not.

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