braid line for spring?

  • joc
    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    I’ve come to like using Fireline. It cast nice, doesn’t knot up very much and has good sensitivity. However when fishing it in and around weeds edges or rocks it tends to fray. As a result it develops weak spots and breaks. Spider braid got knotted up on me and Power Pro was a bit ridged. I was going to buy something new by Gore called “Sufix 832”.

    Has anybody had experience with this newer “Sufix 832” advanced superline?

    Thank you in advance,

    Chad Leonhardt
    Posts: 25

    I used to fish with Fireline all the time, then I switched to Sufix 832 and what a world of difference! It is much smoother, sensitive and much easier to tie. I use it on a lot of my set ups. 10 lb test on my walleye rod to 80 lb test on down rigger rods for salmon.

    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    Thanks Chad,
    Did a bunch of research and Sufix 832 sounds like it’s the best all around braid. Will find out I ordered a filler spool of 20 # test. Which BTW has the same diameter as 14 # Fireline.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    If you are having issues with fraying use a floro leader all super lines are less restitant to fray. The 832 is far superior to fire line.

    Cory Henneberg
    Appleton, MN
    Posts: 18

    I was a firm believer in fire line years ago. But when I made a switch to 832 2 years ago, I won’t change to anything else now. It has a much smoother feel and makes tying a breeze for me now compared to the fire line.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    There it is…that dreaded “S” word!

    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    I use a fluorocarbon leader ~ 60 test most of the time because some good sized toothy critters roam the lake. But the leader is only (14 to 18)” long so it doesn’t prevent main line fraying (BTW the leader has never frayed).
    At 1st I thought it might be a rod guide. However it wasn’t and it just seems that after say (15 to 20) outing that Fireline would start to show little frays. I might be related to wear and tear from lots of casting and brushing against weeds? Don’t know, I’d cut off (20-30)’ and start anew. eventually it would fray again after a number of outing, repeat.
    Thanks all for the feedback, I look forward to starting the open water season with 832

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    832 has been around for awhile now. I’ve used it for several years and although it’s not perfect, it’s certainly not bad & definitely better than fireline.
    The only issues I have with it are an occasional wind knot and static electricity which can cause slack line to wrap around the tip of your rod.

    New Ulm, MN
    Posts: 175

    832 is the best super line I’ve ever used. I just wish the hi-vis options were more readily available.

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