BPS Micro or another left-handed youth shotgun

  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Does anyone know where to get a Browning BPS Micro???

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    These are about as common as rocking horse poo. Your best bet is going to be to find one on one of the auction sites and have it shipped to your ffl. Youth shotguns are always in demand. I just sold my youth shotgun that I’ve used for my two boys. Got what I paid for it and the first guy that asked about it, bought it.

    There are not a lot of left-handed options out there as you’ve already correctly identified. Question. How wedded are you to the idea of a left-handed shotgun?

    One idea I would have is to buy the TriStar left-handed G2 auto and then contact TriStar to see if you can buy the youth stock separately. They offer a TriStar youth stock but they just don’t package it with a left-handed shotgun version.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Thanks Grouse. I’ve really been back and forth on the idea.

    On one hand I have two perfect youth shotguns for my son already. An 870 pump 20 gauge and a single shot 20 gauge, both youth.

    On the other hand my son is 12 and I’d like to train his brain and hands for maximum safety and repetition. It seems that either having the safety on the top (thumb use) or the left side proper would be the best bet.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    On one hand I have two perfect youth shotguns for my son already. An 870 pump 20 gauge and a single shot 20 gauge, both youth.

    On the other hand my son is 12 and I’d like to train his brain and hands for maximum safety and repetition. It seems that either having the safety on the top (thumb use) or the left side proper would be the best bet.

    For sure I see the problem.

    If the main concern is the safety then there is a left-handed safety conversion kit available for 870s. The one I have used is made by Fortmann. It’s almost a plug and play it takes about 20 minutes to install and is simply a matter of following instructions so no sophisticated gunsmithing is required for an 870.

    For most needs the Fortmann kit is fine. If you want to go with the total factory look including the steel safety bar then take it to Ahlmans and I know they can do it. Needless to say it’s considerably more expensive going this route but you do get that factory look.

    In this day and age it’s still astonishes me how hard the whole left hand thing is. Now that it is been clearly identified that shooting with the dominant eye is absolutely critical for when shooting success, I think that more gun makers would get on board with far more and easier options for left-handed shotguns.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Thank you Grouse. Great info!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I’ve put that Fortman safety conversion in my wife’s 1100. Simple to do, and she likes it.

    West central MN
    Posts: 305

    Years ago (like 5) , we ordered my kid a left-handed mossberg mini 510. Thumb safety and ejected the left side. It was pretty reasonable and solid. Now he shoots a left handed Tristar semi auto. It is better when you are comfortable shooting.
    Get what you can if it’s a “kid gun” that only lasts a couple of years.
    There is getting to be more options for south paws, luckily.

    Posts: 513

    My left handed daughter for her first year used 870 and it was awkward at best. Ended up getting good deal on savage overunder and shortened stock. Safety on top. Worked well for her.

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 485

    Call Boones in Isle. They had a 20 gauge bps a month or so ago. It’s not a micro but my 9 year old shoots it. It was the only place in the state that had anything for my lefty. Hard to find them now that Browning quit making them. Next thing I’m looking for is a left handed slug gun Lefty guns are like looking for a unicorn. . Good luck.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 671

    I have a left hand Benelli M2 in camo if you’re interested. Only about 6 boxes of shells through it.

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