While I (I’m sure BMan does as well) appreciate everyone’s passion on said subject it kills me that we as hunting/fishing enthusiasts seem to frequently find ways to turn a simple question into an argument… Can’t we all just get along??
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Deer Hunting » Boning Out A Deer In The Woods (MN)?
Boning Out A Deer In The Woods (MN)?
October 29, 2018 at 11:51 am #1806461
The woods I’m hunting is private land that was recently logged. The debris everywhere combined with a wet summer (water and mud all over) would make using an ATV almost impossible without a lot of zig-zagging and tearing the woods up more. A deer cart would be almost impossible too. My stand is 3/4 of a mile from the road. The gutless/boneless method would be ideal
I’ve hunted in the exact same scenario and using an Otter sled with a long tow rope actually works pretty darn well as the sled pulls right over most of the small brush and if you’ve got to go over a larger log it’s not hard at all to lift the front of the sled onto the log then push from the back. Much easier than you would think.
tornadochaserPosts: 756October 29, 2018 at 12:15 pm #1806471I own deer carts and deer sleds, and after buying a quality pack and learning the gutless method, I won’t do it any other way where legal. Doubt it will ever be legal in MN though.
October 29, 2018 at 1:13 pm #1806486I own deer carts and deer sleds, and after buying a quality pack and learning the gutless method, I won’t do it any other way where legal. Doubt it will ever be legal in MN though.
i’ve thought about quartering as well in our area, with no snow, it can be an all day affair especially if we go further back. quarterting sounds alot more efficient.
I just called the DNR enforcement line and asked about quartering and the claims from some people here that you need to bring the ribcage-not true. You can quarter just as the regs state (head attached to one of the fronts). the gentlemen on the line stated, the law is you can not debone on public land; so If there is no snow and no logging road nearby, I’m going to try the gutless methodClownColorInactiveThe Back 40Posts: 1955October 29, 2018 at 4:40 pm #1806534I just called the DNR enforcement line and asked about quartering and the claims from some people here that you need to bring the ribcage-not true. You can quarter just as the regs state
Thanks for checking…kinda what I thought. I know this used to be the case a while back as moose hunters did this.
October 29, 2018 at 7:11 pm #1806556Out west carcasses are way more visible than they would be in Minnesota.
Maybe if we are so concerned about what anti’s think, alcohol and bars should be off limits for hunters for the bad visual they give the general public.
So if you can quarter a deer, you have to take the spine out too? That’s idiotic on so many levels.
Why can we leave the gut pile?
Rate of decay?
That thought process is on the same lines as food plots being the same as baiting and if we are going along that mindset, maybe food plots should be illegal cause they alter the landscape and deer patterns for the sole purpose of drawing deer in to kill them.
Sorry but that’s ignorant on so many levels it’s hard to even grasp. If there was some scientific reason behind it, it’d make a tiny bit of sense, but if it’s for keeping the woods clean, that’s horse crap. A skeleton is biodegradable, period. Roundup should be illegal too, there’s an actual reason I could see that or bar oil that gets all over the forest from chainsaws. A carcass left to decay and get reabsorbed into the soil isn’t even on the same playing field imo.
You lost me at Roundup. Why should it be illegal?
basseyesPosts: 2653October 29, 2018 at 8:06 pm #1806567Roundup or gly is being linked to cancer. It’s the most commonly used herbicide and the current testing on it isn’t looking so rosy.
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