Bolt on Swing Tongue Kit

  • Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Yep. I did it years back and made a post about the install. Your rig is heavier than mine, but I was very pleased with the product. I kept the boat/trailer for about 5 years, and it held up very well for me.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    Yes, I’ve done it. I’ve made a couple of minor changes though, I am using a 16mm bolt for the pivot bolt, because it is about .005″ larger than the OEM 5/8″ bolt supplied, and helps take up some of the slop. Same thing with the removable pin, I use this one, again because it’s slightly larger than the OEM one supplied, and helps tighten things up.

    But, I would be surprised if you needed the 3″ x 3″ version you posted, I would have thought you’d need the 3×4 or 3×5 model.


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    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Here is a post I made in 2008 after I’d installed mine. There were pics, but I think they got lost in the switch to the upgraded site.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 175

    Thanks for the replies, guys! Looks like I do need the 3×4. Sounds like this may be a good project this winter.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    Too bad we didn’t have this conversation a week ago, I was at the St Louis MO Cabelas, they had the 3×4 7500# kit on the shelf marked down to $75. I wonder if they would ship it to you?


    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    I just did a 3″ x 4″ Fulton swing on my Warrior trailer (only a V177) yesterday. Fits in the short 3rd stall like a glove now (at a slight angle). I was able to get this off amazon prime for $85 I believe and it took a little over an hour to install.

    I have a few questions. 1) Do I have to/should I remount the safety chains behind the pivot on the trailer. I have a few of my friends have got factory installed trailers with swing hitches and they have come with the safety chains connected in front of the pivot point
    2) Does anyone use the rubber bumpers that are supposed to go in between the swing hitch (seen in the 1st pic)? I put them in and it is a really bia to shut (near impossible), even with out them in it is a tight shut.

    Let me know, thanks all

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    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    1) in hindsight, it probably would be better for the safety chains to run behind the hinge. This way, if there was a total failure of the hinge, the trailer would still be attached to the tow vehicle.

    2) take a razor blade, or x-acto knife, and trim the bumpers slightly. I’m sure they are there to take some of the “rattle” out that I’ve seen on some of these.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    1) I believe the chains should be mounted to the solid (i.e. unhinged) portion of the tongue. That was how mine was intended.

    2) Mine didn’t have those bumpers (older model). I like Hot Runr Guy’s solution.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    I have a break away on my boat from new. Couple years ago had the hardened bolt that came with it sheered off. Happened as I was pulling it out of the garage, thank goodness. I had a wagon pin that was the same size, and use one on both sides as I never got around to swapping it back out. Point is, failures can happen.

    Posts: 3403

    Ranger had an issue with their swing tongue on their mid 2000’s trailers. My 621 broke a chunk out of the channel the bolt went through. It would break the grade 8 bolt if I hit a big bump. I didn’t realize at first the a chunk of the bolt housing had broken off because of the coating held the piece in place. Ranger fixed the trailer at no cost. They shipped 2 new larger pieces that needed to be welded on. Georges took care of the repair and I never had another issue. If you ever hit a big bump or a pothole that really jars the trailer, I would stop and look at it to make sure all is good. Better safe than sorry. It was a rail road crossing that first broke mine.

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