Boating on the Miss in Minneapolis

  • Jesse D.
    Posts: 80

    Hi all. Long time reader and new member.

    I went and picked up my “new” boat yesterday during the snow. It’s an older Bluefin tin 16′ console with a 25hp motor.

    I bought this boat in the hopes of fishing some of the nearby backwater like Pike Island. And while I am a longtime boater I have never boated the Mississippi.

    So can you fine people give me some pointers about boating in Pool 2, how to do it, do it safely, etc? I would really appreciate any and all information you have to share.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5153

    This thread has some good info but focused mainly on P4….

    Never fished Mississippi before

    How confident are you getting the boat on and off the trailer in current? Water is starting to slowly come up so the flow and current are faster/changing. Hidden Falls ramp wasn’t too bad yesterday but that can change quickly, especially if you are by yourself. You could launch at Watergate and pay the fee…I think they are open but you gotta call ahead.

    There was some debris in the water yesterday – saw a few big logs from dam down to the confluence. South of the confluence the MN river was spitting out a lot of garbage so I’d suggest until the water comes down or you have some experience to stay between the confluence and dam. Plenty of good fishing in that stretch and while the water can get moving, you’ll be ok if you pay attention and go slow.

    Get a good lifejacket and probably a good anchor unless you have a good trolling motor setup and just use common sense. A lot of IDO guys on P2 this time of year so don’t be afraid to flag someone down or ask questions. My guess is half the guys I saw yesterday are IDOer’s!

    Francis K
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 840

    The MNDNR has some pretty good information regarding the rules of the road. I’ll try and find a link or two.

    Jesse D.
    Posts: 80

    How confident are you getting the boat on and off the trailer in current? Water is starting to slowly come up so the flow and current are faster/changing. Hidden Falls ramp wasn’t too bad yesterday but that can change quickly, especially if you are by yourself. You could launch at Watergate and pay the fee…I think they are open but you gotta call ahead.

    Not very and so I doubt I will do much during the runoff/high water.

    But I DO intend to launch at Watergate the first several times to get a feel for things and just take it slow.

    How do you mean “Get a good lifejacket and probably a good anchor unless you have a good trolling motor setup and just use common sense”? You mean using the trolling motor in place of the anchor?

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5153

    Frances, did you guy get anything yesterday? I was going to stop and chat in the parking lot as we were loading up but I was running a bit behind to get home.

    Francis K
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 840

    We found one small fish that took a very large paddle tail. That was it. Mostly just one last shakedown of the new boat before going to Rainy later this week.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    How do you mean “Get a good lifejacket and probably a good anchor unless you have a good trolling motor setup and just use common sense”? You mean using the trolling motor in place of the anchor?

    An anchor is a primary safety device. Essential to stop you from drifting into a dangerous situation if your motor(s) fail.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5153

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Matt Moen wrote:</div>
    How confident are you getting the boat on and off the trailer in current? Water is starting to slowly come up so the flow and current are faster/changing. Hidden Falls ramp wasn’t too bad yesterday but that can change quickly, especially if you are by yourself. You could launch at Watergate and pay the fee…I think they are open but you gotta call ahead.

    Not very and so I doubt I will do much during the runoff/high water.

    But I DO intend to launch at Watergate the first several times to get a feel for things and just take it slow.

    How do you mean “Get a good lifejacket and probably a good anchor unless you have a good trolling motor setup and just use common sense”? You mean using the trolling motor in place of the anchor?

    Just a good tip to always have a good life jacket and to wear it, also to hook up your kill switch.

    Yes on the trolling motor if it has spot lock. Otherwise, invest in a good anchor so you can hold in spots. Nothing more frustrating than trying to hold in a spot and not being able to. A trolling motor or good anchor is also a safety thing. If you have issues with the main motor you have an alternative or at least you can drop the anchor and hold.

    Watergate is a good idea to get started….I don’t use Lilydale so can’t speak to that launch but Hidden Falls has a pretty gnarly back current to contend with. Takes some getting used to for sure. There are also some calmer spots along shore right outside of Watergate (north and south) you can fish and get started. You can also run up to the dam and get calm areas on the lock side.

    Good luck out there….drop a PM when you go out and I’ll look for you.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5153

    It’s a sweet looking ride, for sure. Good luck on Rainy and I’m sure I’ll see you back on the river in a few weeks.

    Jesse D.
    Posts: 80

    This will get you going if you have not read it already

    There’s no attachment here but if it’s the DNR river guide I have read it.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    When the water is at normal pool, you will not want to run your boat back behind Pike Island. Not enough water back there. Right now and for the next couple of weeks you should be ok. Just go slow and keep your motor trimmed up. Lots of wood back there.


    Francis K
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 840

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Francis K wrote:</div>
    This will get you going if you have not read it already

    There’s no attachment here but if it’s the DNR river guide I have read it.

    Click on the word “This”.

    Jesse D.
    Posts: 80

    When the water is at normal pool, you will not want to run your boat back behind <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>Pike Island. Not enough water back there. Right now and for the next couple of weeks you should be ok. Just go slow and keep your motor trimmed up. Lots of wood back there.


    What about trolling back there withe motor up?

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    I can’t see any productive trolling back there. You can fish a few key spots, but that’s about it IMO. There are a few deeper holes and there are always a few dead falls (wood) that hold fish. Better fishing overall in the main channel on the upper end of pool 2.

    Pretty safe boating from the dam to the confluence. No wing dams or other structure to worry about. Look for current breaks to troll cranks in that 6-10 foot range.


    Jesse D.
    Posts: 80

    I can’t see any productive trolling back there. You can fish a few key spots, but that’s about it IMO. There are a few deeper holes and there are always a few dead falls (wood) that hold fish. Better fishing overall in the main channel on the upper end of pool 2.

    Pretty safe boating from the dam to the confluence. No wing dams or other structure to worry about. Look for current breaks to troll cranks in that 6-10 foot range.


    Here’s where you can school me on a few things. How do you sight current breaks in that stretch? Is the 6- 10 foot range the center channel?

    How is trolling in there with all that fast traffic?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    So can you fine people give me some pointers about boating in Pool 2, how to do it, do it safely, etc?

    To do anything safely, you have to know when NOT to go.

    IMO spring is not the time to learn how to navigate and fish on the P2 section of the river. Extreme currents and high flow rates, lots of debris in the water, cold water, and the fact that you will be using an unfamiliar boat/motor are all factors that to me say better err on the side of safety.

    Don’t mean to be a downer. Just don’t want to see any member of the IDO community find himself in serious trouble. The nature of the river means that even in “good” conditions, it presents challenges and dangers that lakes do not. In the spring, those are increased by a magnitude.


    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Hi all. Long time reader and new member.

    I went and picked up my “new” boat yesterday during the snow. It’s an older Bluefin tin 16′ console with a 25hp motor.

    I bought this boat in the hopes of fishing some of the nearby backwater like Pike Island. And while I am a longtime boater I have never boated the Mississippi.

    So can you fine people give me some pointers about boating in Pool 2, how to do it, do it safely, etc? I would really appreciate any and all information you have to share.

    You could always launch at Boom Island Park in the protected launch harbor to get to know the river. It isn’t P2, but it is a good way to get out there. The channel is still pretty clear up there, but keep in mind the Corps isn’t maintaining the channel since they shut down the lock at St. Anthony Falls. As of last fall you could run wide open at the very least up to the Camden bridge (there’s a scary sign there warning you that the channel is no longer maintained). Upstream of that there are gravel bars and ever shifting sandbars, but I see people running it at full speed.

    Jesse D.
    Posts: 80

    Don’t mean to be a downer. Just don’t want to see any member of the IDO community find himself in serious trouble. The nature of the river means that even in “good” conditions, it presents challenges and dangers that lakes do not. In the spring, those are increased by a magnitude.


    Not at all a downer. These are things I want to know and will take to heart.

    Jesse D.
    Posts: 80

    You could always launch at Boom Island Park in the protected launch harbor to get to know the river. It isn’t P2, but it is a good way to get out there. The channel is still pretty clear up there, but keep in mind the Corps isn’t maintaining the channel since they shut down the lock at St. Anthony Falls. As of last fall you could run wide open at the very least up to the Camden bridge (there’s a scary sign there warning you that the channel is no longer maintained). Upstream of that there are gravel bars and ever shifting sandbars, but I see people running it at full speed.

    I’m absolutely all for this. I also assume this is where you put in to view fireworks from a boat?

    Anyone else want to chime in as to the safety of the area?

    Where’s the fishing in this area?

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    It is a pretty busy park with joggers, bikes, kayaks, etc. I have never had a problem there with safety.

    As far as fishing, I am not a walleye or SMB guy, but people do fish them up there. I’d say look for current breaks and transitions to deeper water.

    Plenty of channel cats, suckers, carp, etc.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Here’s where you can school me on a few things. How do you sight current breaks in that stretch? Is the 6- 10 foot range the center channel?

    How is trolling in there with all that fast traffic?

    Current seams are anywhere faster moving water is along side slower moving water. You will know it when you see it.

    6-10 foot is along the shorelines. You want to stay out of the middle of the channel where the boating traffic is.


    Posts: 7348

    As far as I know the boom island launch is temporarily closed due to the construction on Hall’s Island. If I have time I’ll swing by there and check it out. Was closed in the fall. The ice should be gone as well, that harbor can really hold on to it though.

    Regular inland fishing regulations for that pool. No wake from the falls to Plymouth Ave(bridge just north of launch)

    Very easy navigating that stretch with bigger boat. Just watch for ski show buoys about 1/4mile up from launch on West side.

    Jesse that is my home waters. Not sure how much I’ll be hitting it this year but if you want to grab a greenie sometime I could give ya some details.

    Jesse D.
    Posts: 80

    As far as I know the boom island launch is temporarily closed due to the construction on Hall’s Island. If I have time I’ll swing by there and check it out. Was closed in the fall. The ice should be gone as well, that harbor can really hold on to it though.

    Regular inland fishing regulations for that pool. No wake from the falls to Plymouth Ave(bridge just north of launch)

    Very easy navigating that stretch with bigger boat. Just watch for ski show buoys about 1/4mile up from launch on West side.

    Jesse that is my home waters. Not sure how much I’ll be hitting it this year but if you want to grab a greenie sometime I could give ya some details.

    Sounds good, I’m in. I’ll drive by in the next few days and see if the ramp is open, too.

    What am I watching out for with the ski show buoys?

    Jesse D.
    Posts: 80

    It is a pretty busy park with joggers, bikes, kayaks, etc. I have never had a problem there with safety.

    I meant is the river safe since it is no longer maintained.

    Posts: 7348

    What am I watching out for with the ski show buoys?

    They are buoys, don’t run into em. Not exactly the brightest things out there.

    River is plenty deep all the way to the Camden bridge as stated. Stick to the channel though, as marked out by navionics app. Depth chart is pretty good there.

    Between lowry and RR bridge south of it stick to west side of channel, some nasty rock piles on the east side there that get much shallower than is shown.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>dfresh wrote:</div>
    It is a pretty busy park with joggers, bikes, kayaks, etc. I have never had a problem there with safety.

    I meant is the river safe since it is no longer maintained.

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that. The river is still very navigable in this area. Just take it slow at first and keep an eye on your depth finder to get a good idea of what’s going on. There is definitely a channel there with no surprises.

    Also, the closer you get to the 694 bridge, the worse it gets. Upstream of 694 all bets are off.

    Jesse D.
    Posts: 80

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Jesse D. wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>dfresh wrote:</div>
    It is a pretty busy park with joggers, bikes, kayaks, etc. I have never had a problem there with safety.

    I meant is the river safe since it is no longer maintained.

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that. The river is still very navigable in this area. Just take it slow at first and keep an eye on your depth finder to get a good idea of what’s going on. There is definitely a channel there with no surprises.

    Also, the closer you get to the 694 bridge, the worse it gets. Upstream of 694 all bets are off.

    Well the launch at Boom is still iced in. :/

    This forum and several I have talked to said it’s dicey well before the 694 bridge and even south of the now closed Camden launch.

    Posts: 7348

    South of Camden it’s absolutely not dicey. Wish I would’ve began my river boating there, I started at 694 and that was dicey, and even worse was the Brooklyn park launch. This is all assuming summer water levels, come high water everything becomes boatable.

    Like I said, shoot me a pm and we can meet up and talk about it. I know more about that stretch than anyone imo. We need more fisherman on that pool. Kayakers gonna take over.

    There are some great metro fishing in that pool to be had.

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