We unfortunately got in the KS snow storm on Sunday Had an issue with a Tesla still in KS trying to get tow to a marine dealer to lift off what remains of offshore. Boat seems to have favored well time will tell

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We unfortunately got in the KS snow storm on Sunday Had an issue with a Tesla still in KS trying to get tow to a marine dealer to lift off what remains of offshore. Boat seems to have favored well time will tell
Ouch. Hope everyone is fine. With that kind of hit, I would imagine the transom will be wrecked, even if it seems fine initially.
Looks like the Tesla crash avoidance system isn’t as good as Elon says…
Yep, glad no one was hurt.
Just curious, did you have to be driiving in that strom?
I wouldn’t never want my boat (especially of that caliber) to see those Conditions!
Not only because of the horrible road elements but beciase of the horrible drivers that come with it.
Best of luck with fix
What’s going to be more expensive to fix, the Tesla or the boat?
Hopefully everyone is ok.
By the looks of it I’d be hoping the boat is totalled at this point, and if not I’d be getting other opinions from third partys to make sure the transom is still 100%
Looks like the Tesla crash avoidance system isn’t as good as Elon says…
No matter how good a system they make stopping on ice and snow will always be questionable. Unfortunately many people put too much trust in technology during conditions like this.
If he was driving a Tesla, he will probably have good insurance! Better than getting hit by a rusty 1974 Ford with expired tabs.
Hope for a quick turn around on the insurance claim.
Glad no on was hurt.
No matter how good a system they make stopping on ice and snow will always be questionable. Unfortunately many people put too much trust in technology during conditions like this.
But it was a Musk design, it should engage the rocket boosters and fly over the top of the boat before hitting it…Isn’t that why SpaceX is around?…
I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
Hope it a works out for you. I would have at least a couple opinions on your boat done before you come to a final conclusion.
Thanks to all. Had to go back and forth with Tesla’s insurance company for two days until owner called them and they called us back saying that they would pay for all issues. Got back to western CO early am today scheduled to go to glass shop we will see. No apparent major damage to transom. Skeeter seems to build one heck how a boat. Yamaha didn’t favor as well. It is in the back of the truck. To answer sis we need to be traveling in those conditions. Interstate was open all the way to Salina and the conditions deteriorated in twenty miles in the middle of nowhere KS we had a room twenty miles down the road from there. You are totally correct it isn’t how good you and your equipment are it is the other drivers are a guy pulled out right in front of the truck in front of me. He hit the car we were able to stop short of it but about thirty seconds later we got hit in the back and pushed into the wreck. I went back and saw the small car that hit us and could not understand how the impact could have been so hard the driver told me that they weigh over 6000#. The backed up traffic behind us had 2 semis go thru 12 vehicles like bowling pins nobody killed to our knowledge. 3 hrs later the wind stopped and the traffic cleared We should have stayed in AR another day and caught fish.
Thanks to SBC I called them to talk about my boat and motor. They have always been great to talk with even though I am not on their market. Side not the new trim tabs I put on work great. Anybody know off tab manufact that works on ranger boats specifically a 2012 2050 Anglar series I have friend that is interested in putting on his boat. I bet they will fix it would be Nice to get a new 300 offshore but this one only had 184 hrs on it they sure do run nice at low altitude not as well at 3600 ft not very well at 7900 ft.
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