Boat value question

  • MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    We have a 2016 Crestliner Sportfish with a Merc 150 and a Garmin 10″ electronics. We just do not use the boat and it sits on our lift all summer long as a lake ornament. Thinking about selling it. I am not trying to list it here but what is a boat like this worth? I see you all talk about how boats are worth way more than the NADA value so I am curious. What should we list it for? Assume excellent condition. Thanks for your advice.

    Rick Z

    Posts: 2918

    It’s the EXACT boat I want, but worth more than I can afford. ) I look all the time and newer Sportfish models with 4-strokes and good electronics go from high $20,000’s to low $30,000’s all depending on condition, motor hours, electronic suite, type of trolling motor, add-ons (Bimini top , button-in top, travel cover, towing attachments). A good, well-maintained trailer is a plus as well. I’d be careful how you word your description when you list it. Just go with “VERY LOW hours” rather than mention it sits on a lift all summer. Potential buyers could think that means the gas sits in the tank and in the lines/motor for long periods of time. Depending on if you have a snap cover, lifts don’t always protect from the elements, birds, spiderwebs, etc. I’m sure it’s a great rig, wish I could be your customer! GOOD LUCK!

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    I would say likely $30k plus depending on condition…
    Always tough to say what condition it is in with all of that time outside like Thunder said but I would start a bit over $30k.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    Thanks for the replies!

    The lift has a cover on it so it is protected from the elements. it is pretty much brand new condition.

    Posts: 798

    Are things still selling for more than they’re worth? I know the last couple of years that has been the case since you couldn’t find new ones, but it appears that has changed. Supply of new boats is back, and it appears that dealers aren’t selling like they thought. There is someone selling a boat by me, looks in excellent shape, but has been sitting there for about 3 weeks. But it might be over priced and that why it’s not selling. One dealer I was looking at had over 100 SXS units available and discounting off of MSRP, which didn’t happen the last couple of years.

    Posts: 2918

    It’s starting to come down a little, I’ve noticed, but not very fast. Used boats are tending to sit on the market a lot longer than before. List it for $15,000 and I’m in, Rick! Sight unseen! rotflol

    Posts: 24658

    Used vehicle prices are really coming down and they are predicting the bottom to fall out real soon. The real issue now is interest rates. They are absolutely ridiculous and that is what is impacting this plus the fact that new vehicles are now finally on the lots. There are still issues within the supply chain for new. Not so much missing parts, but the OEMs have learned they dont want to have so much supply available.
    GM has said they only want 3 months supply which in the past they had like 9 months. This is probably a very good thing since there isnt billions in inventory sitting on lots, etc.
    I asked my salesman how long it would take if I ordered a new truck. 1/2 ton he said 3 to 4 months. HD would be 6 to 8 months. If I wanted a yukon it would be 2 years if I ever got it!
    Regarding your boat, depending on the length of the boat I would say low 30’s for sure. Bummer you arent using it and I am pretty much in the same boat as you are. Mine sits in the garage. I have only had it out twice. A week in Canada and one time on the river before the trip to make sure everything worked. I have contemplated selling it, but its paid for and replacing it would cost be more than double what I paid for it.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2224


    The real issue now is interest rates.

    And this..

    replacing it would cost be more than double what I paid for it.

    2 different issues both impacting prices in different ways. I’m seeing boats sit for quite a bit longer than before and most require price drops before they sell. To replace the boat you’re looking at selling with a new equivalent would be mid to upper 40’s I would guess. If it was me, I’d start in the mid 30’s and be prepared to lower the price if you’re not getting action.

    To me, higher interest rates are only part of the reason sales seem to be dropping. IMHO, we are also seeing the effect of all the government stimulus money beginning to wear off.

    Posts: 24658

    IMHO, we are also seeing the effect of all the government stimulus money beginning to wear off.

    Yeah, forgot all about that. That was one of the big reasons that recreational vehicle sales were huge during the pandemic.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    2023 Crestliner Sportfish

    $57K starting

    Posts: 24658

    2023 Crestliner Sportfish

    $57K starting

    Yeah, I was going to say that boat would likely be North of the 40’s for sure.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3136

    That stimulus money was 2 years ago. I think the looming student loan payments starting again will drive more surplus too. Id imagine a lot of people thought they wouldnt have to pay.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    List it for $15,000 and I’m in, Rick! Sight unseen!

    I’ll go 16k cash, sight unseen! chased jester In all seriousness I would put that low to mid-30k in mint condition in the current market. Not a lot of comparables out there right now.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    I agree I never see Crestliner 1850 Sportfish boats for sale on the used Market

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    It will depend a little on what size sportfish it is. With a 150 on it I’m assuming it is the 1850 size. If so and its in excellent shape like you say. I would think a value un the low to mid 30’s would be close. Like all things. They are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them. With the interest rates going up. the price will most likely need to be adjusted down some. Its rare when Values are up at the same time that interest rates are up. Hard for a buyer to justify paying top $ while at the same time paying high interest rates.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    That link says $37,200

    Like everyone said still have to find a buyer

    Posts: 12780

    ^^^sounds about on par with most.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    That link says $37,200

    Like everyone said still have to find a buyer

    Right. If its worth $37,200 today, that’s what it was 7 years ago in 2016 brand new !
    Or $20,000 off what a new one starts at today ! Unbelievable, but like said, it’s worth what someone will pay ! waytogo

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    I’d say if you list at $30k you’ll have quick action. I’d think low 30s if it truly is mint and you won’t have to wait long.

    There’s a decent chance it is depreciating at a more regular pace now and from here forward. Seasonal demand is going to start falling, and it seems that the used toy market is maybe slowing the smallest bit.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17377

    I’ve always said boats have 3 values.

    1- true market value where it will sell.
    2- below market where it moves fast.
    3- what you tell your wife what it’s worth when she wants it gone and you don’t.

    Pick one & good luck.

    Posts: 3319

    3- what you tell your wife what it’s worth when she wants it gone and you don’t.



    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    For reference. there is a 2010 1850 sport fish for sale on marketplace for $29,999. No details provided other than “like new”. Pictures show a 150 merc.

    South metro
    Posts: 548

    I’ve always said boats have 3 values.

    1- true market value where it will sell.
    2- below market where it moves fast.
    3- what you tell your wife what it’s worth when she wants it gone and you don’t.

    Pick one & good luck.

    Sounds almost like the Garage Logic 3 prices…

    1) What you paid…
    2) What you tell your wife you paid…
    3) The price you’re going to pay when she finds out what you paid!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 216

    Price depends on how fast you want to sell and how much you really want from it. If it’s a 4 stroke, low-mid $30s, if it’s a 2 stroke mid $20s. IMO, I would sell it asap and have someone else enjoy it.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    Well the boat sold yesterday. thank you all for the assistance!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12254

    C’mon. You gotta tell us about how much you listed it for and sold it for.

    Real info is really helpful and interested to see how close posters got to the selling price.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    Sorry Listed it for $38,500 Sold it for $37,000 I was happy with that

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    One week on Craigslist

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