Boat Trailer Question

  • ottomatica
    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    I have a small bunk trailer for my 12′ Jon Boat and the boat rides so high on it that it’s really difficult to load/unload.

    I have lowered the bunks as far as they will go but it still just sits too high.

    I am considering putting smaller diameter tires on it, just wondering if anybody has thoughts or other ideas?

    The load is very low, I can lift the boat off the back myself with a 15HP on it. I guess my biggest concern is how it would trailer with smaller tires.

    Omaha, NE
    Posts: 362

    Can you post photos?
    That may help us understand what options you have.

    Posts: 1890

    On my old 16′ Jon I bolted my bunks right to the frame and went one size smaller on tires. Uhmw on the bunks is nice if it is a welded boat.

    Posts: 5139

    Smaller tires will make the wheels/bearings spin that much faster at the same speed. Under a light load it isn’t much of a problem as long as they are lubed. Under a heavy load they will heat up more and cause premature wear.

    Pics would be nice to see other possible options.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    Spring or torsion Axel? That could make a difference

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    I think I need to redo the bunks to be basically at frame level, that should gain me a few inches but still probably not enough to make this more workable.

    I have 12″ wheels.

    I would like to get this to the point where I can launch it without getting in the water with the boat. I suppose that with the short length of the trailer, my boat doesn’t get as deep as my bigger rig.

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    Posts: 90

    You could move the axle on top of the springs. You might have to reposition the fenders. This will also lower the whole trailer. That will get you in skinny. Ramps

    Posts: 5139

    That trailer looks like it had smaller tires in the past the way the fenders are mounted so close to the tires, and that it looks kind of awkward the way it sits.

    I agree you could flip the axle on the springs and that will give you about 4″ of drop. If you really wanted to go lower drop the tire size a couple inches.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    Cabelas has those rollers that mount into the bunks… Could use that if your worried about getting it off. Just give it a push

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    Good suggestions, moving the axle looks like a good way to lower a few inches.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    On my old 16′ Jon I bolted my bunks right to the frame and went one size smaller on tires. Uhmw on the bunks is nice if it is a welded boat.

    Did you countersink the bolt holes or use a bracket or something else?

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