Boat Research

  • Brady Korwin
    Posts: 24

    Is anyone aware of a utility type deep V that has track gunwales and is over 16′ long? I want a cabin/camping boat that I can flip over on cinder blocks for storage, but still attach rod holder, trees, down riggers to without having to bolt it all in permanently.

    Thus far I haven’t found anything. The Lund SSV 18, Crestliner Sportsman 18, and Polar Kraft Dakota 1778 WB are all about the right size and weight, but no track gunwales. Most manufactures don’t seem to offer track gunwales until you get into a flat floor permanent fuel tank type boat.

    I’ve looked at skiffs from out west (Alumaweld, Willie, North River) that are 20′-25′ long (which is awesome for the great lakes) but they get pretty heavy and expensive. Again I want a couple guys to be able to flip it over for winter storage.


    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    A wide gunnel boat will be a heavy boat. I would consider a couple of gunwale height pedestals with a 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 between them that could be easily installed and removed. A threaded pipe nipple a couple flanges might make nice risers if you were against the bent plate idea. If you mount the tracks to a support piece, they should be pretty solid and easy to put on and take off.

    Posts: 6392

    What about mounting a 6″ track on the back and middle seat, then a set of risers, then a long track to span the seats?

    The risers would be bolted to the long track, and then the whole works would slide in and out of the short tracks when not needed.

    The only permanent thing would be the flat/flush short tracks on the seat.

    Like second image, but mounted to the seats instead of the gunwale, and with higher risers. It’s a beefier version of standard track, designed to be suspended.

    Here’s a link to a 6′ long kit. This particular kit has only 4.5″ risers, but everything is modular and customizable.

    1. Screenshot_20200318-122937.png

    2. Screenshot_20200318-1225562.png

    3. Screenshot_20200318-122302.png

    4. IMG_20200318_121942.jpg

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    What about mounting a 6″ track on the back and middle seat, then a set of risers, then a long track to span the seats?

    The risers would be bolted to the long track, and then the whole works would slide in and out of the short tracks when not needed.

    He was worried that the tracks were not structurally made to span the seats unsupported. I think that’s valid concern but mounting to another piece of aluminum or a 2 x 4 should be easy enough.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    BTW, if downriggers are in the mix, the plate or track will have to rest on the edge of the gunnel otherwise the moment force will be too great only being supported by the riser. 2 points of support will be needed.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1290

    I believe the Alumacraft escape has a track around it. It has a remote gas tank, but it is not a bench seat style boat. Technically it is over 16′.

    Brady Korwin
    Posts: 24

    The Alumacraft is getting closer. I wish it were an 18 and lighter weight. I’d be perfectly happy to lose the carpet, live-well, and and the side storage and just make it wide open. I could lose the pedestals too and use box seats. That’s all save a little weight and maybe make it something I could turn upside down for winter.

    The aluminum is pretty thick at .140″. That’s about as thick as I’ve seen from a midwest manufacturer.

    I’ve looked into bolting in risers an 2×4’s and I don’t really want to make a narrow boat feel that much smaller.

    Kind of looks like what I’m looking for doesn’t exist yet. There is a place called miller marine that make a different sort of track system. Kind of the reverse concept of what traxtech does:

    The have a weld on track designed for 1″ tube that could work on the round gun-wales of any old bench boat. Thinking the DIY route may be best. There is a lund S-18 with a 60 on it near me for 2k.

    Brady Korwin
    Posts: 24

    I found Mirrocraft has a model called the Outfitter that is 18′ 7″, 76″ beam, is sort of a bench/utility, and has track gun wales. 585 lbs.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1761

    There are a few guys around the twin cities that make custom aluminum boats. I’m sure you’ll pay a bit more than off the shelf but hot damn I’ll bet you get exactly what you want!

    Posts: 5041

    I would get whatever boat suits your needs best then have brackets made to attach the track securely to the gunnel.

    Brady Korwin
    Posts: 24

    After looking some more I basically came up with the same idea as munchy. Drop it off at a machine shop and let them make me something custom.

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