Boat renovation

  • smackemup
    North Metro
    Posts: 192

    I decided last week to remove all of the flooring and storage areas in my boat. I am now planning on putting everything back together. My plan is to use seven layer laminate board, which is what appears to have been used prior. My main question is the carpet, not something I’ve seen at many boat supply stores. I have found it online, but was wondering if anyone knew of a good place where I could pick some up in person. Thanks

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    I have bought it at Hannay’s Marine in the past.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    I used marine plywood for a renovation.
    Coated with two coats marine spar varnish both sides.
    used old ply as template for drilling holes.
    place new ply in place and fill all holes with awls and screwdrivers
    before riveting or screwing down.
    pay attention to fastener type tor prevent galvanizing reactions.
    While doing this, I added an 8 foot rod locker and tied this to the I-beams
    which greatly firmed up the boat.
    I used carpet and glue from Fleet Farm.

    champlin mn
    Posts: 370

    menards carries marine grade plywood……. bring your wallet, its not cheap!

    Posts: 6687

    I’ve done the restoration a time or two.
    Expect your budget to double or triple.
    Fasteners are a huge expense believe it or not.

    Carpet, i bought mine at FleetFarm.

    If i did it again, i would have went with Vinyl. More expensive, but better cleanup.

    I hope to never do a restoration again. Dangit it is expensive and time consuming…Plus, if you don’t do it right, you’ll have a maintenance nightmare and constant problems.

    Good luck sir!!

    North Metro
    Posts: 192

    Well after a month or two putting in some hours when I can, I have all of my floorboards carpeted and ready to go down. I removed a small amount of the floatation foam and was looking at replacing it. I know I need closed cell, but that is about where my experience ends. I have seen the marine “pour in” that has good reviews, but I don’t have to replace very much and don’t want to drop a hundred bones for a small job and have it sitting around years from now. I was hoping to find a spray in of some kind

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I always enjoy renovation threads! Do you have pics?

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