This is the best I have saw this weekend so far. By the way the lot was full and Mr entitled took up 4 spots.
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Boat ramp etiquette
August 3, 2014 at 10:44 am #1443777
Keep a valve stem wrench in your truck. I see 7 flat tires there.
August 3, 2014 at 11:31 am #14437831st, call and get him cited for his/her arrogance or stupidity!
Then, after they are ticketed, get a few more guys/gals, pick up the trailer and twist it all the way to the left side so he is only blocking two spots,
August 3, 2014 at 11:53 am #1443784I’m not sure I would flatten all of his tires…but on the other hand, my front bumper might “nudge” the trailer over a spot or too. Won’t want to hurt my back or anything.
Assuming he/she parked like that to help ensure his truck/trailer wouldn’t get clipped….
this guy certainly didn’t think this through.
August 3, 2014 at 12:37 pm #1443790I thought about hitting that river this AM…that would have gotten me fired up. Would have to have at least left a nasty note.
August 3, 2014 at 12:51 pm #1443791Maybe its a couple of teenagers and the newbie trailer parking person parked it for his buddy…
Posts: 3010August 3, 2014 at 1:14 pm #1443793Maybe you shouldn’t be fishing his lake…
then you wouldn’t have to be bothered by trying to park in his lot either
August 3, 2014 at 1:22 pm #1443794Wow kinda odd, maybe it was a newbie or a jackhole. Please excuse the term. In all my years I’ve never seen one that bad. I have seen a guy take 2 spots, load in the launch, launch in the load or prep their boat in the load area, but this one takes the cake. No Launch attendee I take it.
August 3, 2014 at 3:38 pm #1443801Young and dumb was the guilty party. A a** chewing opened their eyes a little when they happened to be loading up the same time as me.
Terry Heese
Posts: 168August 3, 2014 at 3:51 pm #1443802Young and dumb was the guilty party. A a** chewing opened their eyes a little when they happened to be loading up the same time as me.
There ya go!
August 3, 2014 at 7:30 pm #1443822Think I would of just un hooked his trailer and pushed it down the road somewhere. Have had two that needed moving so far this year. One was yesterday parked at the top on the ramp. It got jack knifed off into the bushes. The other was the same. Felt a little bad that I tore his idiot bumper off moving it but atleast threw it in the bed of the truck for him.
August 3, 2014 at 7:38 pm #1443824I was hoping to get back to see someone was not as nice or good of mood as I was this morning. I did think about unhooking the trailer and pushing into the grass to free up a few spaces. I carry a tow strap after having a car block the ramp last year with no one around.
August 4, 2014 at 6:34 am #1443875So are you saying that they were apologetic or were silent because they were embarrassed?
August 4, 2014 at 10:52 am #1443968In situations like this, I call the county sheriff’s office or the DNR TIP line depending on who owns the ramp.
I’ve seen cars get towed at the Boomsite landing on the St. Croix for taking up trailer spaces and I know in Hudson they’ve towed cars at that public access as well.
The number one issue with public water access right now–and this is STATEWIDE–is parking.
In an attempt to limit public access to a public resource, local busybodies and wealthy lakeshore owners (and their stooge “associations”) have successfully limited parking and managed to get large swathes of public road shoulders marked as “no parking” zones so they can’t be used as overflow parking.
Cutting off the parking is simply one more tactic being used to slowly privatize our public lakes. I wish the DNR and fishing organizations everywhere would take up this issue. Unless there is a documented series of accidents or another VALID safety concern of drastic importance like fire access, it should be illegal to close parking on the shoulder of public roads. I have a feeling that in many cases, state and county roads have been posted as “no parking” by officials who have no jurisdiction to do so.
August 4, 2014 at 12:01 pm #1444014I hear you Grouse. I once got a ticket at White Bear for parking in an EMPTY lot next to the boat parking lot. That incident soured me from ever fishing that lake again. Or even doing anything around there. Cograts local cops for driving away business.
August 4, 2014 at 12:29 pm #1444022I hear you Grouse. I once got a ticket at White Bear for parking in an EMPTY lot next to the boat parking lot. That incident soured me from ever fishing that lake again. Or even doing anything around there. Cograts local cops for driving away business.
This is a prime example of the unnecessary restriction that is being placed on boat owners using a PUBLIC lake. I know the lot you’re referring to at White Bear.
There is absolutely no reason why a boat owner should be restricted from using ANY public parking lot. The boat owner is using the public space and he/she has every right to use that space on a first come first served basis. You paid your taxes, you put a license of your truck, boat, trailer, and everything but your underwear, so why can’t you use a public parking lot?
Why does the boat owner have LESS right to park in that parking lot than any other user? Yes, they take up more space, but that’s the point: There are far, far, far too few parking places for vehicle/trailers in the first place. If they don’t want boat owners parking in this or that other parking lot, than just provide more freaking parking and stop this stupid practice of surrounding every boat ramp with a no parking zone for 5 miles in every direction.
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