Least favorite creature that you have found in your boat.

  • Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    And I am not talking about BK here.

    rotflol rotflol

    I hate spiders, especially the Brown recluse dock spiders. Any good way to keep them out of a boat sitting on a dock?

    I created a double post and thought this would be a fun topic.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Snakes and eels.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I DON’T do spiders….Snakes, lizards, scorpions are all no problem. Spiders? NOPE.

    Other than leaving a cat inside the boat under the cover at all times, I would try out the peppermint or eucalyptus oil method. I’ve also heard that they are not very fond of tobacco…Maybe some tobacco leafs wrapped in cheese cloth inside the compartments?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    I’ve caught/snagged a couple snakes before in an old flat-bottom boat fishing the Chippewa River near Eau Claire.

    Now the worst I’ve had to deal with is a mouse who hadn’t made a home in the boat, but decided to jump in for the ride at the wrong time. Something tells me he didn’t probably make the 1/2 mile swim from where he was “dropped off” to shore near Maiden Rock.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    That pontoon better be well fumigated before the Casino run or T will have your backside in a sling smash smash smash

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I accidental caught a cat fish once so there’s that….

    Davenport, Iowa
    Posts: 203

    Once going up the middle of the Mississippi, wide open, a mouse appeared on the front deck and jumped overboard. Kind of funny really.

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    I’ve also heard that they are not very fond of tobacco

    Hmmm I am fond of my cigars while fishing… So you are saying that instead of throwing the end of the cigars out in the trash…I should just litter them all over my boat )

    Once going up the middle of the Mississippi, wide open, a mouse appeared on the front deck and jumped overboard. Kind of funny really.

    This made me laugh.

    Posts: 7348

    Once going up the middle of the Mississippi, wide open, a mouse appeared on the front deck and jumped overboard. Kind of funny really.

    That is funny.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Once going up the middle of the Mississippi, wide open, a mouse appeared on the front deck and jumped overboard. Kind of funny really.

    “THIS GUY DRIVES LIKE AN ANIMAL! I’M OUT!” is all I’m picturing that mouse say when he took the leap of faith.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    Was up in Canada parked my boat by cabin and plugged the trolling motor batteries in to charge. The next morning boat full of caterpillars who had crawled up the extension cord into the boat.

    Posts: 406

    Fishing buddy had a bear in his boat on one of our Canada trips a canvas cover is not bear proof.

    I had a mink swim up and try to get in my boat one time. Couple whacks with the pole sent him on his way.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    Found a live Walleye in my boat once. He went over the side A.S.A.P. shock

    Damn rough fish. lol

    Posts: 2729

    Always try to kick the skunk out as soon as possible, but that’s more figuratively than literally. Sometimes there’s human creatures I wish I could kick out.

    Posts: 2872

    Ex wife anyone?

    Posts: 3950

    fishing a river many years ago here in Iowa very late at night,a large bull snake fell out of a tree and landed in my boat.
    I was just about ready to blow a hole through him with my ruger super redhawk in 44 caliber when it occurred to me that not only would the snake be holey but so would my boat.
    luckily it slithered over the side about as fast as I thought about shooting it.

    another time on the same river using a trot line I caught one of those danged green eels,yuck !! not only did the eel get shot in two but so did my trot line,I couldnt do that again if I tried a hundred times.
    if that wasnt bad enough to give me the willies the shot woke up about a hundred roosting/nesting herons,what a racket that was !

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    Just like Primitive ron, after a week of camping in the bush I noticed a mouse creeping on the edge of my boat while buzzing across the lake from the campsite to the truck. I cant deal with mice so i sent the little critter swimming. Almost feel bad about it now, woulda been a tough way to go for him

    Posts: 952

    I found a puked up leech in the live well 3 days after fishing. It was next to the screened drain in a teaspoon of water. Talk about stink!

    Morel King
    Posts: 528

    Buddy left half a flat of leeches in his live well for about a month during summer heat up north , doah

    Posts: 1811

    Catfishing one nite,sleeping in the front of the Jon boat, buddy’s boy right below me. I kind of wake up feel something on my butt,i say John what the hell are you doing. I look his way and see a big ass blue heron perched on my butt ,John scream,i yelled ,bird crapped on both of us. Could of been worse,could of landed on my face. DK.

    Posts: 9417

    Raccoons got into my boat at a campsite one night last summer. Had about 2 dozen bags of plastics that were accessible, half of them being Powerbait and the others various brands. Every single bag of Powerbait was ripped open and strewn throughout the boat. Not one of the other brands were touched. That woulda made a good Berkley commercial!

    Crappy Fisherman
    Posts: 333

    Had a Muskrat visit me for about 10 minutes. He just sat on the transom and watch me till he got bored. Must have been the way I fish.

    Posts: 340

    We fish a portage lake in Canada most years, and almost every time we fish it we wind up finding garter snakes in it. They’re not so bad, unless you don’t notice them until they’re slithering across your open-toed sandals…

    Not in the boat, but my favorite “critter” story will always be a fly-in we went on like ten years ago. We were all going to bed and getting into our sleeping bags, a few minutes after lights out, my dad let out the highest pitched shriek I’ve ever heard from him, and there was a bunch of thrashing around in his bed, and a thunk on the far side of the room. Turns out there was a mouse that also thought his sleeping bag looked comfy, and it took him a few minutes to notice! So he grabbed the mouse and threw it across the room where it bounced off a wall, fell into another guy’s duffel bag, and took a dump before scurrying off! Still makes us laugh.

    Posts: 666

    His name was Mike, He was a co-angler in a tournament. He put 2 crank bait hooks into my Ranger seat and then backed my Rqnger fender into the edge of the steel framed dock when backing in to get me off the water.

    Disappeared without addressing either.

    Mike Martine
    la crosse wis
    Posts: 258

    Not the least favorite but definitely the strangest . On the way home from the in laws in northern Wisconsin , I pulled into a wayside to stretch and check the boat . I heard a strange noise in the boat , and after looking , found a newborn kitten on the floor of the boat , eyes not even open yet . Put it in the truck and continued home . Searched the boat at home and found one more . Have no idea where they came from , but the kids took care of them , and we still have one years later .

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