• Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17377

    I didn’t read it like that. You said what you would do and then listed several ways of breaking the rule. So yes it is about you at that point. It isn’t about we.

    Come right out and say it……you think it’s your God given right to launch anytime anywhere you see fit. Where was the anger when they closed the 494 launch because of high water?

    No, you are trying to fan a civil rights thing vs a common sense thing. It’s whats good for YOU vs whats good for the rest of us.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    I’m all for slowing the spread down, but closing boat landings to powered vessels is a complete joke.

    There is absolutely no reason to do so. Show me the proof.

    The reason cited is crowded landings. I believe this was also the reason that they shut down Green Bay (Oconto) last week. While I personally believe that I would be able to launch, fish, and load my boat properly while following the guidelines, I can guarantee that a lot of people won’t. Heck, some people can’t do it without a pandemic. They at least are allowing people to use non-motorized crafts so you could use a kayak, canoe, or other non-motorized vessel. Also, I don’t know if this stems from recreational watercraft issues. Those boats generally attract people for more social gatherings, whereas fishing boats are usually people interested in fishing. Just speculation at this point.

    Ryan Wilson
    Posts: 335

    I didn’t read it like that. You said what you would do and then listed several ways of breaking the rule. So yes it is about you at that point. It isn’t about we.

    Come right out and say it……you think it’s your God given right to launch anytime anywhere you see fit. Where was the anger when they closed the 494 launch because of high water?

    No, you are trying to fan a civil rights thing vs a common sense thing. It’s whats good for YOU vs whats good for the rest of us.


    Posts: 6631

    I didn’t read it like that. You said what you would do and then listed several ways of breaking the rule. So yes it is about you at that point. It isn’t about we.

    Come right out and say it……you think it’s your God given right to launch anytime anywhere you see fit. Where was the anger when they closed the 494 launch because of high water?

    No, you are trying to fan a civil rights thing vs a common sense thing. It’s whats good for YOU vs whats good for the rest of us.

    How is banning OUTBOARDS “good for the rest of us?”

    What does is solve? How does it solve it?

    How does fishing by yourself or with your family have any effect at all on the spread??

    Please inform me.

    I’d never take a boat out on the water again if it was a cure for everyone’s cancer……show me the data and I will sell my boats and all my tackle tomorrow for the greater good.

    They don’t need to ban outboards in Michigan.

    They need to encourage social distancing everywhere….stores, parks, landings, homes, workplaces, your garage etc

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17377

    Show me where it hurts you to follow the order not to launch? It’s not your livelihood we are talking about. It’s a hobby.

    I understand where you are coming from, I just think the way you wrote it makes you look selfish. In fact I might even agree with some of what you say. grin

    I’m out, this is a Michigan deal and has nothing to do with me anyway.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    They don’t need to ban outboards in Michigan.

    They need to enforce social distancing everywhere….stores, parks, landings, homes, workplaces, etc

    It sounds like they are admitting this is an impossible task and they recognize from peoples past and present behavior that the situation at boat launches will spread infection. Walmart is kept open because that is where many people get their food supply so not an apples to oranges comparison IMO.

    Will infection spread at Walmart due to people’s inability to social distance? Yes

    Will infection spread at a boat launch due to peoples inability to social distance? The conclusion in MI is yes. Which of these activities is deemed more essential? A store with food and other items of need in it for thousands. I’m not taking sides just breaking down what I see the logic to be.

    Posts: 6631

    Show me where it hurts you to follow the order not to launch? It’s not your livelihood we are talking about. It’s a hobby.

    I understand where you are coming from, I just think the way you wrote it makes you look selfish. In fact I might even agree with some of what you say. grin

    I’m out, this is a Michigan deal and has nothing to do with me anyway.

    Again, it’s not about me or you or them (Michigan), it’s about WE.

    Again, I’ll ask where does it end?

    Like Crappie said, her idea is to spread people out more. Great, I get it.

    But right now people can still hop in a sail boat, row boat, or canoe….when will that end?

    People can still shorefish or fish off a pier……when will that end?

    Right now people can still walk on a sidewalk…..when will that end?

    Right now you can still go out in your front yard…..when will that end?

    We all know how well banning anything goes….guns are illegal in Chicago jester

    What is more important and far more productive, is to inform, educate and continue to propagate social distancing. Regardless of where you might be (store, work, boat, park, etc)

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Instead of using science and logic

    That was tried over a month ago and way too many people, including plenty on this site, thought this was all a made up hoax that would blow over in 10-15 days.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    Sounds like a decision a liberal would make, no doubt. Like Dutchboy said, it will be a landslide this fall can’t wait.

    Maplewood & Crane Lake, MN
    Posts: 235

    I’ve been following this thread and biting my tongue but feel its time to weigh in before it gets nuked. I have launched my boat on warm March days at Everts on Pool 4 when the line to launch reaches all the way up the driveway to the road. I fish the Rainy river in the spring when 100’s of boats are launching and it can take a couple of hours to get off the river at the end of the day. Never in any of those instances have I come within 10 feet of another person unless I chose to walk up and talk to them. I think everyone knows enough not to do that now. When I launch I pull up out of the way, uncover my boat, get it ready to launch and wait my turn. When the ramp is clear I back down to edge of the water climb in the boat and have my fishing partner (usually my wife) back the rest of the way while I launch. They then park the truck and I pick them up from shore or dock. Landing is pretty much the same in reverse order. Where in that scenario is myself or anyone else in danger? For God’s sake people wake up. I am a big believer in social distancing during this crisis but at some point there is something called common sense too.

    Posts: 6631

    Thank you sir for your LOGIC

    I agree wholeheartedly

    1. Screenshot_20200412-1510252.png

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>




    Show me evidence that outboards cause the Coronavirus…..

    Have any boat landings been tracked down to be known hotspots???

    They’re OUTSIDE!


    Open your eyes…..The MI governor is abusing her power

    This comparing apples to oranges. Walmart is a place many have to go to purchase essential items and food. You being in your boat is not essential.

    Posts: 6631

    85lund, I agree it’s not “essential” for anyone (other than mental health)

    But how does prohibiting boats following CDC protocol do anything??

    How is it any different than banning a family from going on a walk?

    Walking with your family isn’t essential either. But somehow it’s okay (for now)….

    Does anyone see the big picture? Or are you curled up in the fetal position in your basement waiting for the next command?

    The curve is flattening with the prudent decisions made earlier….the asinine regulations coming forward are beginning to look like a social experiment…

    “Yes master”….. Says the frog in a pot of water

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    It’s not any less ‘essential’ for my mental health than the old lady buying flowers for her yard at the greenhouse they just deemed ‘essential’. The fact that big gov can all of a sudden pick and choose what is/isn’t is what really makes me sick.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    85lund, I agree it’s not “essential” for anyone.

    But how does prohibiting boats following CDC protocol do anything??

    Not sure on the answer you are looking for. I just simply thought comparing it to allowing people in Walmart for things needed to survive was a bit unfair. Everyone is working hard to weather the storm. At least you didn’t call us all drunks like ol tbro devil

    Our minimal sacrifices now do not even compare to things the generations before us had to make.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Went to go get my boat out of storage yesterday. Guy says call me before you get here and ill give you directions. I think that sounds fine. I call him and he says come to the front door. I drive up to the front door that has a large sign saying stay 6 ft away and practice social distancing. The guy comes to the door and starts to unlock it. I’m standing at my car a good 10 ft away. I figure the guy is gonna just pop his head out the door and yell directions to me. Nope. He proceeds to walk right up to about a ft away from me and start talking about the weather. My point is YOU may have all the common sense in the world and follow by the rules and the virus will still spread because of others actions.

    Now to the debate about whether your “rights” should be taken away because of other people’s inability to use common sense that’s a different matter but its clear to me that as long as their are people who lack awareness in the world (and there are plenty) the virus will continue to spread through areas of gathering. So you can go launch your boat with all the intentions in the world of keeping your distance and it only takes one numnuts to get too close to you or others and all your efforts are a mute point. I ain’t saying its right, but I see why the decision was made.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    We all know how well banning anything goes….guns are illegal in Chicago <img


    Chicago has banned the possession of certain semi-automatic firearms that it defines as assault weapons, as well as laser sights.[65][66] Chicago residents must “immediately” report a firearm that is stolen or lost, and must report the transfer of a firearm within 48 hours of such transfer.[67] In a home where a person younger than 18 is present, all guns must be secured with a trigger lock, or stored in a locked container, or secured to the body of the legal owner.[68]

    Chicago formerly prohibited the sale of firearms within city limits, but on January 6, 2014, a federal judge ruled that this was unconstitutional.[69] The judge granted the city’s request for six months to pass new laws regulating gun shops.[70] On June 25, 2014, the city council passed a new law, allowing gun stores but restricting them to certain limited areas of the city, requiring that all gun sales be videotaped, and limiting buyers to one gun per 30-day period. Store owners must make their records available to the police, and employees must be trained to identify possible straw purchasers.[71] With the passage of the gun shop ordinance, Chicago also struck a previous ban on the transfer of ammunition.[72] On January 18, 2017, a federal appeals court ruled that the city’s revised gun shop law was unconstitutional.[73]


    Andrew Pansch
    Posts: 107

    Anyone see the video of a guy being arrested by two coast guard vessels in California while he was paddle boarding alone…

    The problem with this and like any government order. It takes longer to remove restrictions the more that are issued. They’re trying to prevent the spread of the virus but that’s not going to work forever. We were all told this was to help the healthcare industry prepare for what can come. They’re at that point and actually many small hospitals are laying clinic staff off because they’re not doing any non emergency procedures or visits.

    Lastly if they shut down opener or boat ramps come May we will start to see full blown riots. Citizens will only take this for so long.

    Posts: 6631

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>B-man wrote:</div>
    85lund, I agree it’s not “essential” for anyone.

    But how does prohibiting boats following CDC protocol do anything??

    Not sure on the answer you are looking for. I just simply thought comparing it to allowing people in Walmart for things needed to survive was a bit unfair. Everyone is working hard to weather the storm. At least you didn’t call us all drunks like ol tbro devil

    Our minimal sacrifices now do not even compare to things the generations before us had to make.

    If they really want to stop the spread:

    Walmart and all “essential” stores shouldn’t be allowed to let customers in.

    Pick up only.

    That would eliminate a tremendous amount of community spread.

    Why hasn’t that step been taken?

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    If they really want to stop the spread:

    Walmart and all “essential” stores should be allowed to let customers in.

    Pick up only.

    That would eliminate a tremendous amount of community spread.

    Why hasn’t that step been taken?

    By me, Walmart and other essential stores ARE allowed to let customers in, although some have been limiting the # at a time.

    Did you mean something else?


    Posts: 6631

    Meant shouldn’t, corrected the typo

    HRG, thank you for correcting me on the Chicago gun ban. I tossed it in as a quick reference.

    I should have stated that shooting people has been banned for some time now, yet it still happens everywhere shock

    Bans do not work….. Morals do


    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>85lund wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>B-man wrote:</div>
    85lund, I agree it’s not “essential” for anyone.

    But how does prohibiting boats following CDC protocol do anything??

    Not sure on the answer you are looking for. I just simply thought comparing it to allowing people in Walmart for things needed to survive was a bit unfair. Everyone is working hard to weather the storm. At least you didn’t call us all drunks like ol tbro devil

    Our minimal sacrifices now do not even compare to things the generations before us had to make.

    If they really want to stop the spread:

    Walmart and all “essential” stores should be allowed to let customers in.

    Pick up only.

    That would eliminate a tremendous amount of community spread.

    Why hasn’t that step been taken?

    That is a great idea. I’d be all for that. I wonder if the suits have thought about that? I guess the only draw back would be those with no internet access or being older and not using the app to order. I’m guessing they could set up a phone line and pickers getting the order ready. Not sure how implementing that would go.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    B-man, MI has to do SOMETHING. If you want to compare with IL, MI has nearly 3mil less population, yet has twice the CV-19 deaths.

    It might be tough love, but they need some drastic measures to get the daily death toll under control.

    1/2 of my immediate family lives in MI, the company I work for is based there. I may not live in the state, but I have a lot of ties to it.


    Posts: 6631

    B-man, MI has to do SOMETHING. If you want to compare with IL, MI has nearly 3mil less population, yet has twice the CV-19 deaths.

    It might be tough love, but they need some drastic measures to get the daily death toll under control.

    1/2 of my immediate family lives in MI, the company I work for is based there. I may not live in the state, but I have a lot of ties to it.


    Doing “something” and doing “something that will make a difference” are two VASTLY different things.

    Have outboard motors been linked to the majority of the spread?

    Where is the hotspot?

    What demographic?

    Are 20-60 year old avid boat owners and fisherman dropping like flies?

    If someone can show me the data, I’ll be all for it.

    If not, it’s a knee jerk reaction and abuse of power.

    Unfortunately people that like to “party” together might pass along the same unbacked and unproven ideas elsewhere….cough cough


    Remember, with state governments recently handed the keys, we don’t get to vote on what happens in the near future….It’s do as I say…..or else….

    I’ll be one of those standing up and taking “or else.”

    Justin riegel
    Posts: 978

    B-Man I am with you, the numbers do not lie, the fact people like Dutch need the government to tell them how protect themselves is selfish. Use some common sense people. L

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    This will be a totally different conversation in the next two weeks when our copy cat Governor thinks we are Michigan and follows their lead.

    Posts: 1279

    B-man….. now is your chance.

    Landings all along the Rainy River are barricaded with “road closed” signs. There is plenty of opportunity to opt for the “or else” up there right now.

    Posts: 6631

    B-man….. now is your chance.

    Landings all along the Rainy River are barricaded with “road closed” signs. There is plenty of opportunity to opt for the “or else” up there right now.

    If they were local to me and the season was open I would Timmy waytogo

    I don’t completely disagree with their reaction to close them to protect the small community during the hottest bite of that time of the year (in the entire state nonetheless). I and many other people respected that decision given the circumstance.

    Closing down an entire state for an undefined amount of time reaches far beyond that….Thousands and thousands of boat landings spread across the entire state is a lot different than four landings during a hot bite when nothing else is open.

    When opener comes, do you think all of the locals there will sit at home? Or will it be “safer” to stand shoulder to shoulder on the bank?

    Fact: Outboards don’t spread the virus.

    Fact: Social distancing helps to slow the spread. It’s not a cure, but it helps. Keep doing it.

    Posts: 547

    Landslide by Whom??? Biden?? razz razz razz razz razz

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