For anyone who has re-carpered a boat (or the dealer guys out there), is 16 oz marine carpet heavy duty enough, or would I be tossing out money? Boat doesn’t get heavy usage, but original carpet is 17 years old and getting pretty ratty in places. Or would I be better served perhaps by getting 20 oz on the floor and 16 oz on the rest? Somewhat to save money but im also assuming 16 oz will form to all the bends and turns on the walls and console better.
Not ruling out going vinyl on the floor either but not sure yet. Trying to come up with a plan that is in cost range acceptable and then convince the Mrs. that I can keep the boat at the house this winter so I can work on recarpeting as my Christmas gift (normally goes to a friend’s shed and is not overly accessible which gives her a lot more room on her side of garage in winter).
Boat is a 2001 lund pro sport for reference of the scope of the project.