Boat bling hot sauce

  • Jensen
    Posts: 461

    Can this be used on aluminum boats? I see they sell a toon sauce for aluminum boats but is not sold at many retailers. Reviews on all the sauce products look good and plan on picking them up to keep the new boat shining. Anyone with experience with this product would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Eelpout Guy posted about this product a couple of months ago and the results looked amazing.

    1. D1F9EF28-42CA-460C-8CC2-D3D15CDC5261.jpeg

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    Can this be used on aluminum boats?

    Yes, it can. Toon Sauce will work better but the Hot Sauce is an all purpose surface cleaner. You can use it on your seats too…although the Vinyl Sauce will work better than Hot Sauce.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3200

    I use hot sauce on aluminum boat and it works great.

    Posts: 461

    Picked up the last bottle of hot and vinyl sauce today. Now when I get off the water I will see how it works. Thanks.

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