Blue tipz tip up lights

  • Bob Ford
    West Side Mille Lacs Lake
    Posts: 213

    Anyone have any of the Gen 1 sitting around? Will pay obviously

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    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    What’s the difference b/n the ones you have and the current? I’ve been debating on pulling the trigger on a set of them. Has the Bluetooth worked effectively? Any information would be great!

    Bob Ford
    West Side Mille Lacs Lake
    Posts: 213

    They work awesome. However im using the beacon alarm not my phone. Not sure if the gen 2 will work with it…

    Bob Ford
    West Side Mille Lacs Lake
    Posts: 213

    Before Gimruis responds, please save your advice. He responds to every topic, wish i was that bored.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    What’s the beacon alarm?

    Bob Ford
    West Side Mille Lacs Lake
    Posts: 213

    Its a alarm instead of using blue tooth. Put it in the window, never had a problem with range. Flashes and chirps on any flag up. My kids love it and keeps the phones away.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    So is that another product by blue tipz, I see they have a range extender, wonder if that works the same

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    Its a alarm instead of using blue tooth. Put it in the window, never had a problem with range. Flashes and chirps on any flag up. My kids love it and keeps the phones away.

    Love it keeps the phones away!!!

    Bob Ford
    West Side Mille Lacs Lake
    Posts: 213

    Its from blue tipz. Works flawlessly for me.

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    Posts: 160

    Before Gimruis responds, please save your advice. He responds to every topic, wish i was that bored.

    Spit my coffee out! Hilarious and true….he works for the government so it makes sense he posts so much.

    Posts: 119

    Anyone use one of these on a Finicky Fooler?

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1487

    You make a post asking for something and then get upset when a guy responds? Who cares haha!

    Just the tip – Tip up lights are what I use and love them. They are only 10 bucks on Amazon. They dont have an Alarm but great alternative for the price and quality.

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    I have used the gen 1 for about 4 years,I also went to using just the receiver for alerts,it doesn’t have the features of the phone app,but always works and I don’t have to worry about dropping my phone down the whole.
    It’s nice to be able to sit in the ice house and not pop up every couple minutes to check tip ups!!
    Great product with even better customer service!!

    adam borgstahl
    Posts: 15

    I have Gen 1 and the newer ones. I use my phone. They work great. They do make the receiver to use as well, or it will also extend the range. The new ones have a longer range, you can set the degree at which the alarm is triggered. So they work for tip ups or tip downs. They also make adapters for finicky foolers. They recently did an update that has improved them even more. You can also set the color scheme on each one, so I can determine exactly which one is which and where they are. My kids also enjoy playing with the different alarm sounds on my phone. Overall a great product that they keep improving.

    North Metro, MN
    Posts: 74

    PM Sent. Ive got a couple gen 1’s i could sell.

    Posts: 122

    I have a couple gen 1s, along with the range extender unit. Are you saying the newer ones won’t work with the old extender?

    Bob Ford
    West Side Mille Lacs Lake
    Posts: 213

    I talked with deep freeze today. They are compatible. So eaither will work

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