Blue Flame Heater – flame color, is this right?

  • Pike1401
    Posts: 54

    I’m new the the blue flame game, only used buddy heaters previously.
    Installed a new propane blue flame heater (Procom ML100TBAHR) in the skid house last night. Wondering if this looks right? It’s not yellow, but more orange than I was expecting.
    Also makes a bit of noise while burning, definitely louder than the big buddy was.

    1. Screen-Shot-2019-12-12-at-9.12.43-AM.png

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Might just need a break in period.
    Any type of flame adjusting on the unit?

    Posts: 54

    I’ll let it buck for a bit tonight and see if it sorts itself out. No adjustment noted in the manual or that I can see under the hood.

    Posts: 6631

    The flame should be a bit more blue than that. If propane burns yellow it’s a sign of incomplete combustion (which is the cause of CO)

    In general be extra careful using a ventless heater like that.

    I’d make sure to have a newer working CO detector in the shack.

    I had that same heater as a back-up and booster (to warm up a cold shack faster) in my last shack. Never any problems, but I never slept with it on.

    If you don’t have a CO detector tonight I’d run it on low and have a lot of ventilation to be safe. Better off cold than dead.

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