Blue Deer Urine

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Went out shed hunting today, I did not find any sheds (way too much snow yet) but I came across something I had never seen before, Blue Deer Urine! So I had go Google it when I got home and turns out it is quite common, who knew!

    1. IMG_20200223_143139125.jpg

    Jeff mattingly
    Lonsdale, Mn
    Posts: 515

    I think you have smurfs running around them there woods…

    SE MN
    Posts: 1079

    I never took the time to look it up… Thanks! It sure throws you off the first couple times you see it, but it’s definitely common around the areas I shed hunt in SE MN.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I have seen it quite often too, didn’t know what was the cause until now. Thanks for posting.

    Jeff mattingly
    Lonsdale, Mn
    Posts: 515

    funny thing i was walking around the property and noticed this.

    1. 20200225_141810.jpg

    Posts: 1499

    I see at the Willow River State Park I thought it was from eating from buckthorn berries

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