Looks like we have a good old fashion blizzard on the way.
I see some indicators are predicting up to 14″ with 50 mph winds in the metro.
December 23, 2020 at 7:06 am
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Blizzard
Looks like we have a good old fashion blizzard on the way.
I see some indicators are predicting up to 14″ with 50 mph winds in the metro.
Last nights news dropped it down to 5″ for I-Falls. In a way it was kind of disappointing as I was looking forward to seeing the snow pattern here at the house.
I guess they’ve been wrong before, I’ll see what happens.
Ugh, I wish I didn’t wait until last minute Xmas shopping.
Be a helluva good time to be fishing today.
Couple days ago they were saying 1-3 inches. Now it could be up to 10 here. This is weather terrorism.
depending on what weather source you look at, there all over the map on snow totals. the only thing they seem to all agree on is its gonna be windy. and get cold tonight!!!!
The whole “blizzard” word is far more associated with wind than snow totals. There are places in Southern MN which are flatter than pancakes and in a Blizzard Warning later today that won’t see more than 3″ of snow. However, for those that have ever tried to drive the I90 area with 40mph winds and light snow…you know you will never want to do it again. I’d rather drive in a foot of snow and be able to see where I’m going than drive in less snow with 0 visibility.
Totals seem to be all over the place. Ultimately the forecasts are only as good as the different weather models. There are a few really good private forecasters on social media who explain forecasts and predictions well. They are not affiliated with news channels. I personally like Novak Weather and think he does a solid job. Here along Pool 4 it’s looking like we will get a wind whipped 2-3″ of snow, just enough to make visibility a pain and slick roads with the hard freeze coming.
We are getting wind and snow now. I snapped a picture at 8:30 and will snap another at 8;30 tomorrow to see how it worked out.
We are getting wind and snow now. I snapped a picture at 8:30 and will snap another at 8;30 tomorrow to see how it worked out.
LOL, I just took my before pic.
Ugh, I wish I didn’t wait until last minute Xmas shopping.
Be a helluva good time to be fishing today.
They treated the kid and I good last night.
Just starting to mist here where I’m working.luckily I cant leave early, id hate to get a head start on traffic
Supposed to get 2-4 inches in Brookings. It started about 7 AM and we have zero visibility in the country, winds blowing 35-45.
Looks like we have a good old fashion blizzard on the way.
I see some indicators are predicting up to 14″ with 50 mph winds in the metro.
I am so envious.
Wind & Snow started about 9:30am in Brainerd Lakes area.
And they just upgraded the central lakes region from winter storm warning to blizzard warning including Crow Wing, Aitkin and Mille Lacs counties.
Be a helluva good time to be fishing today.
Ah…no, from what I’m seeing out my window now already there’s no fish worth the punishment inflicted by that wind and no matter how good you think your fish house is.
well right now here in stearns county its windy as all get out but barely snowing.
all home………check………..let’r buck!!!!!!
I dunno Andy, I think I’ll just ride out the storm.
EPG I saw there’s a ice carousel going on Roosie, go check it out after a few cocktails and let us know! It’s puking snow in EP right now.
I dunno Andy, I think I’ll just ride out the storm.
Unless you got some “spike” for that Butter Nut coffee then you’re missing the most important necessity to ride out the storm.
I had the unfortunate request from the wife to run to cub on lunch for a can of cream of celery. The last minute xmas shopper combined with snow storm shoppers was quite the site to see. About an inch so far in the north metro
It appears the snow has stopped here unless it’s just a break in the action. Looks like 3″ish but the wind is kicking pretty good. Temp has fallen from 20 degrees at 8 am to 12 degrees now. Suppose to be below zero tonight here.
Central MN. Been snowing for a couple hours. Visibility…… Nope.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Eelpoutguy wrote:</div>
I dunno Andy, I think I’ll just ride out the storm.![]()
Unless you got some “spike” for that Butter Nut coffee then you’re missing the most important necessity to ride out the storm.
Smartest thing I’ve read on IDO in a very long time…….!
Central MN. Been snowing for a couple hours. Visibility…… Nope.
Those pics like Walmart parking lot. You went to Walmart…today?
They’re calling for wind chill temps to feel like 20-30° below zero tonight.
Good thing this storm didn’t happen tomorrow. After someone shot Rudolph, would have had to cancel Christmas.
Just drove into work. Very icy and you couldn’t see 50 ft in front of you. Semi tried to take the 280/36 curve too fast and went through the rail, down the hill, and almost into the on coming lanes. probably a 20 ft decline. Made it though. Go slow everyone.
Those pics like Walmart parking lot. You went to Walmart…today?
I thought only a Walmart shop-a-holic would catch that!
I only pulled in to the lot to snap a couple pics.
Just got the boat loaded up before it hit. Wasn’t a mile from the ramp before the snow and wind hit. That is my son in the rig ahead of me. Just happened to pull onto 52 right behind him. He was supposed to run to Iowa and back today. Glad they turned he around early. If you got cut off by a guy towing a boat in the north metro today that was me just making room for my son to change lanes.
Just noticed the Weather Channel is naming winter storms now. You guys are in Winter Storm Harold if anybody asks.
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