May In-Fisherman had an article on fish handling. Wonder if anyone does it. It was on the process of killing, bleeding and icing fish you intend to eat, as soon as you catch it. It is a pretty common practice in salt water. When the fish have bloody, oilier flesh. But not done a lot in fresh water. Having read it I may give it a try. I have been tinkering with fish recipes the last few years. Trying to find new better ways to prepare fish and seafood. They mention the fish that’s dead, curled up in a cooler. And how it tears and breaks down the flesh straightening it out. Not a big deal if you chunk and deep-fry. But I have been grilling, grilling with smoke, {not smoking}, and baking more fish. Trying to shut my M.D. up. And have kind of acquired a taste for it. Being able to enjoy the fish instead of batter. Not that I don’t enjoy a good chuck of fried fish. This winter I want to try Ceviche. Taking saltwater fish and using only citrus juice to cook it without heat.

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