Black Hills SxS trip

  • haleysgold
    SE MN
    Posts: 1509

    We’re thinking about doing a trip to the Black Hills in October and hauling the SxS’s out.

    I know there was a thread on here where some guys had done it but can’t find it back.
    Anyone have the link to the thread they can post?
    Looking for ideas to do, things to take, etc.. for the trip.

    Posts: 2075

    OnyX has an OnyX Offroad layer which you can buy and itll tell you all the trails on public you can take I believe. Something to look into . Goodluck

    Posts: 1250

    We went out to Deadwood a couple years ago. Bring anything you’d bring on a SxS trip. Extra tires & rim. We had a rock wedge between a brake caliper and the inside of a rim and it broke a hole through the rim. That ended the day of riding till we could find another rim.

    Extra belt, everything to fix a flat on the trail, spare tires, first aid kit, tree strap, winch, jump pack, portable compressor, GPS, radios are nice if you’re with a couple other SxS’s. Cooler with ice and beer and I’m sure I’m missing a lot, but that’s a good start!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    You can drive pretty much anywhere out there but you will need a trail permit….you can drive down the highway and visit Mt. Rushmore on them.

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