black flys

  • tomr
    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    Anyone know what the black fly situation is around orr mn? Thought of running up and doing some camping but last year this time frame the fly’s attacked my dog so bad that I had to pack up and come home. Would like to avoid that if possible.

    tom hopkins
    Posts: 38

    I learned a trick for those nasty little buggers from some folks who live up that way a few years ago. They used this stuff called skin so soft. I think Mary Kay sells it. Worked like a charm. Put in a spray bottle and spray down the dog. Biting flies hate the stuff

    Posts: 78

    The stuff works Great, but its actually an Avon product..

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Vanilla extract rubbed on exposed skin works great too.

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