Ma and I took a walk this morning before the rain came in and we saw several large wedges of sandhills headed north. I love listening to them chatter as they fly. Not but an hour or so ago I saw the first blue heron on the creek behind the house.
Gold Finches were really scarce this winter here. Normally I go thru about 80 pounds of thistle seed but hardly touched a 22 pound bag over the winter. Within the last week they’ve been pretty common here and I’m needing to fill the tower feeders about like I always have. Nice to see them back. I love watching the color transition on the males. Woodpeckers are here all day, every day. I went into the winter with about 20 pounds of rendered venison suet that is mixed with cheap chunky peanut butter and that’s almost gone now. Man, can those woodpeckers eat.