Bird down!!!

  • Jeff mattingly
    Lonsdale, Mn
    Posts: 515

    Well all I can say is I got very lucky today. I had plans to pull the ice castle down to the Caledonia area on opener to hunt 4 days. Well due to the snow they received on opening day I cancelled my trip and decided to fish the river. I put my blind up on my parent’s in-law property near Lonsdale earlier this week. The turkeys roost on neighboring property so I set my blind up in a travel corridor between a thicket and a row of trees. The thicket separated a ag field and a CRP field. I’ve never seen turkeys until late morning at that spot, so I decided to sleep in. I got to my blind at 10am. There was a good south wind so I was able to get to my blind undetected. I made two call sequences 20 minutes apart with no response. At 10:40am I looked up and just coming over a hill was a tom strutting 60 yards away heading my way. The bird was silent and would fan out and take a few steps and repeat. The bird was now 45 yards, and the best thing that could happen did. Out of the corner of my eye a hen was walking the wood line to me from the right. She passed with in feet of my tent, and when she walked by that Tom came right to me to follow her. He made his way through some short CRP grass and came out in my clearing at 15 yards. I had the corner of my blinds window up which have me time to draw back with him so close. I had my bow pulled back and aimed out the window he should walk by to follow that hen. He took 3 steps quartering to me and I released the arrow. I made a perfect shot and he expired quickly. The beginning and end of my turkey season happened very quickly. I hunted that same spot 10-15 times last year and never pulled my bow back. Good luck to everyone else still turkey hunting!!!
    23 pounds
    1 1/4 inch spurs
    9 1/2 inch beard

    1. 20180429_105558.jpg

    Jeff mattingly
    Lonsdale, Mn
    Posts: 515

    Few more pics.

    1. 20180429_110453.jpg

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    Congratulations! Nice bird.

    Posts: 1284

    Congrats nice bird. Sure nice to be in the woods right now.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Congrats on a great bird toast waytogo

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