Bills in the Senate and House seek to limit walleye limit and possession. With no science or biological imperatives MNDNR wants legislators to reduce the limit and do an end run on the DNR Rules for changing limits. Saying that it is a preventative measure( with no problem currently needing a solution). Anglers for Habitat, Outdoor News ( this week’s edition), fishing experts and past DNR walleye managers are questioning the need. This change doesn’t have a majority of support in the DNRs angler surveys. Here our AFH take
The issue of walleye possession limit is always a lively discussion. Is it a social issue or a biological issue? Do we have enough? Or are we taking too many? What does the science say? What does the angler say who goes home skunked?
Anglers for Habitat always prefers to follow what our professionals say, usually indicating individual lake management; lakes in the north are different than those in the southern Minnesota. And are managed differently.
Some lakes can easily handle a possession limit of 6 walleyes; other lakes maybe should have a smaller limit.
We should look more closely at this issue, and recommend it for further input by anglers, conservationist’s fisheries managers, and the public in general, for a recommendation.
Anglers For Habitat neither supports or opposes We suggest a lively discussion