Biggest price increase of a product I’ve seen

  • buckybadger
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    Other price hikes I’ve seen lately and worked hard to avoid in the building process:

    -Carpet: Our local yard cannot hardly keep up with the notices on increases. When I asked if the price increases would ever come down, the salesman and installer both said that they’ve never seen the price go down in the ~20 years they’ve been coordinating their efforts. These changes are permanent as far as they’re concerned. Luckily we locked in a price months ago and ordered. We probably have more than needed, but didn’t dare wait for final measurements to save a few square feet and pay more.

    -Aluminum & Fiberglass Products: Anything aluminum or fiberglass seems to be jumping faster than other items. Suppliers and lumberyards aren’t even wasting time pricing it. My plumber said they’re selling fiberglass showers, then checking what the price is once they have a guaranteed transaction as estimates aren’t good for the paper they are printed on.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>KPE wrote:</div>
    My habit of impulse buying all types of outdoors stuff for the last 5 years has finally paid off. Now I spend nothing because I need nothing- I’ve successfully “hoarded” all of my hobbies to a point where I don’t need anything. Feels good man

    I’m in the exact same boat.

    X3. Now if only the wife would join me in that boat….

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    I am the same way. I used to love going into Fleet Farm to build up my fishing and boating gear. Menards and Home Depot for my tools. But my garage is full with everything I want or need. I have the grills and smokers. At this point I only need to buy things to replace things that don’t work or don’t work well.

    I am not the type to be continually buying new TVs and electronics so that’s out the window, too. Kind of a nice position to be in.

    Oh I agree 100% on the electronics/ TVs. I recently got a 60″ samsung dumb TV for free (pops loves cruising next door looking for deals) so we moved our 12 year old Hitachi “dumb” TV to the garage for sports. All of our TV’s are dumb and 1) they always work 2) no software updates.

    I am far more interested in teaching my 6 month old son the value of privacy and not having reliance on these electronics as he grows up.

    Posts: 4524

    When I was younger we had to walk to school up hill both ways in the snow storm and rain. Did not cost a dime.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    When I was younger we had to walk to school up hill both ways in the snow storm and rain. Did not cost a dime.

    How many boots did u wear

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    When I was younger we had to walk to school up hill both ways in the snow storm and rain. Did not cost a dime.

    Same here and we were so poor we couldn’t afford boots so we wrapped are feet with barb wire to get a little traction.

    Posts: 150

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bigcrappie wrote:</div>
    When I was younger we had to walk to school up hill both ways in the snow storm and rain. Did not cost a dime.

    How many boots did u wear

    Boots, no way. Only the rich kids had those. Bread bags, and when we needed traction we wrapped barbed wire around that! jester

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    You rich kids bragging about your bread bags and barb wire. I would be lucky if someone would break into my house and leave those. Heck, we could barely afford free samples. Dad had to j_rk o_f the dog to feed the cat. We would ask homeless men for money. The dollar tree prices were too high. If I wasn’t a boy, I wouldn’t have had nothing to play with. Dad would unplug the clocks when we went to bed.

    Posts: 1044

    When I was younger we had to walk to school up hill both ways in the snow storm and rain. Did not cost a dime.

    Oh yeah. Well we had to walk to school in complete whiteout conditions.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    rotflol rotflol rotflol man it’s getting deep.💩💩

    Posts: 2224

    Question to ask is inflation stabilizing or just getting going…

    What was perceived as a high price today may be a bargain tomorrow.

    Posts: 0

    You guys had a school!! Lucky sons a guns

    Posts: 6631

    Do you guys notice the trend in this thread alone by a few sportsman fed up with the rising prices and not willing to spend money on things that aren’t needed?

    This, coupled with rising costs of virtually everything else (energy, food, housing, interest etc) has recession written all over it.

    Posts: 12739

    I actually don’t…I see more people on this site complaining about rising prices but still boasting about stuff they have bought or want to buy and just complaining to complain. Similar to the OP talking about wanting to buy a trailer 2 years ago… Live within your means and enjoy life you only live once.
    Not saying you may not be right in your prediction B-Man just not buying that the folks that say they are not buying anything for the next 4 years.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Inflation yes…..deep recession or depression no. The government has learned how to cook the books and present things as near normal. The massive, massive national debt created over the last 30 years will continue, the government has adopted the “to big to fail” stance.

    Posts: 1044

    Dollar Store just announced permanent price increases on all stock from $1 to $1.25.

    Posts: 6631

    Inflation yes…..deep recession or depression no. The government has learned how to cook the books and present things as near normal. The massive, massive national debt created over the last 30 years will continue, the government has adopted the “to big to fail” stance.

    If the prices of everything we buy rises 20-100% and wages stay stagnant, people will have less and less money and purchasing power.

    That equates to lower consumer confidence, which is a big indicator to problems ahead.

    I guess if everything stays stuck on ships there won’t be anything to buy, so maybe it will wash out jester

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Part of the last recession was too many people with mortgages that they could not afford, even when they had a job. When many of those people lost their job, they went underwater on their mortgage. There have been new rules and restrictions with mortgages and loans since then so I don’t think that portion is going to happen again. Plus there’s no sign that the housing market is going to slow down much either.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    We need another war to keep things afloat. We won’t worry about the debt when that happens though.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    We need another war to keep things afloat. We won’t worry about the debt when that happens though.

    Be patient. coffee

    Posts: 5307

    Inflation triggered mainly from a supply and demand issue caused by a short lived pandemic is a far indicator of recession.

    It is a real fear this administration will create more incentives for people to not go back to work which will only hurt the supply side essentially worsening this whole scenario. Unemployment benefits should’ve been cut 6 months sooner than they were.

    But that’s just some dumb wood guys opinion.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    Inflation triggered mainly from a supply and demand issue caused by a short lived pandemic is a far indicator of recession.

    It is a real fear this administration will create more incentives for people to not go back to work which will only hurt the supply side essentially worsening this whole scenario. Unemployment benefits should’ve been cut 6 months sooner than they were.

    But that’s just some dumb wood guys opinion.

    well, then i’m a dumb woods guy to beads!!!!!!! waytogo

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I just received an email this morning that Adura/Mannington USA flooring products would be getting an 8% hike as of December 31. Thankfully we are getting it at cost due to some connections with my side work and already locked stuff in a month ago, but I feel for others who are planning a build down the road.

    I’ve got no issues with the interest rates getting bumped up at any time to slow things down and hope it happens soon, but the inflationary damage is generally permanent. Too many people think prices will just plummet once inflation slows…which is not how it works. A price plateau for everything that is manufactured is the best case scenario. Oil is about the only variable that could slightly lower prices if it came down substantially.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    On the labor front, I read somewhere that we are short some 80,000 truckers. Why is that? I don’t think it’s a biden problem as we have been short truckers for years. I’m curious why? Aside from the social problems it can cause with being gone a lot seems like a fairly good job. Hoping some folks who have been in the industry has some insights.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    On the labor front, I read somewhere that we are short some 80,000 truckers. Why is that? I don’t think it’s a biden problem as we have been short truckers for years. I’m curious why? Aside from the social problems it can cause with being gone a lot seems like a fairly good job. Hoping some folks who have been in the industry has some insights.

    this has been on the #4 news alot lately. There pushing these truck driving schools a ton. They are really going after the young folks and female drivers.

    Some are pushing to get 18 year olds to be able to drive big rigs across state lines.

    Posts: 1204

    Yes crappie the trucker shortage is real and has been for a while now even under Trump. I believe the problem we are now seeing is California has most of the major ports but very restrictive regulations when it comes to trucking especially for owner operators. So now most are avoiding California which makes things even worse.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    “Why is spam so expensive 2021?

    Spam is expensive because of the cost of processing it. There are several checkpoints throughout its process that can add to the cost of making it. Those costs reflect in its higher price. Spam is also trending which makes more people willing to buy and eat it.Sep 7, 2021”

    The world is coming to an end!! bawling

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    People actually pay money for SPAM?

    …I guess I learned something new today

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