Hit the lake at 6:30am on Sunday and it looked like everyone else has the fishing bug. I started out fishing one of my favorite spots, a group of submerged trees in 15-20 feet of water.
The crappies were hanging tight to the tops of the trees and swimming jigs over the tops was the ticket. I caught eight 9-10″ fat white crappies and one 11″ black crappie.
I also caught a number of walleyes and each and every one was 13-14″, all males.
I had a strange thing happen when reeling in one of the crappies. I got it right up close to the boat when a big bass tried over and over to eat it.
I would guess the bass was 5-6 lbs. but you know how they look bigger in the water. I moved to another area where there are submerged trees in deeper water and the crappies were definitely schooled in this area. I caught 30-40 and sometimes two at a time. (I use two jigs about a foot apart). The majority of the crappies I am catching are females and full of eggs. I kept 20 crappies and one jumbo bluegill. The crappies should move tight to the bank anytime so get out there and enjoy the spawning blitz.
May 17, 2004 at 1:53 pm