Back home now and kind of glad it’s over to be honest. Did get the hydraulic steering fixed and my boat back by late Tuesday afternoon. Timbuktu Marine was so awesome and generous to squeeze my boat into their schedule.
I missed out on 1.5 days of fishing, but after getting my boat back we did finally find some walleyes. The week was warm, sunny (sort of due to the smoke haze) and nearly dead calm which made it tough.
Best fishing was early (sunrise to 9:00am) and late (6:00pm on). Early in the morning I found them on mid-lake reefs in 5ft to 8ft. Mid-day we found them in 11ft – 16ft on reefs and shoreline structure. And late in the day in 9ft to 13ft. If there was a breeze, the upwind side of structure was clearly the place to be.
We didn’t put the wood to them, but got enough for a nice fish fry one night and we brought home 6 limits. Most fish were 13.5″ to 17″ with only 1 in the slot at 21″. No big fish this year. Maybe they were deeper, but getting eaters in anywhere from 5ft to 16ft, we didn’t have a reason/need to fish deep.
We used crawlers (jigs, lindy, harnesses) 99% of the time but I did get a few eyes trolling a #4 Salmo over a reef. There are more dang perch than I care to ever see again. Lol. Bluegills are everywhere, literally! And our best fishing was in both Wake-Em-Up and Niles/Wolf Bay area.
The Landing is down 3 cooks. No entres being served, took 1.5hrs to get our burgers & fries.
My boat was down & out for nearly 3 days, but I’m glad I got it in time to still use it. The crown on my tooth came off (wtf). My boat has a small leak somewhere and I lost probably $100 in gear. BUT, in the end we still had a good time. I’m just glad to be home in one piece.