perch movements big females are gone cple small males in last wks spot

  • @tony6
    Posts: 52

    How’s it goin, I’m learning small body of water in Nd. It’s probably a 200 acre reservoir with abundant perch/ gills of all sizes. Last week I caught probably 60 8-11” and 2 bigger ones I lost. I kept 6 to eat and they were all females. Yesterday I went back and all 6-8” males. From talking to locals there aren’t bloodworms or mayflies, they said freshwater shrimp. The deepest spot (basin) is 13ft with a 10 ft channel leading to a creek at the other end. With small bays off the the sides. If they’re eating shrimp think they went to the creek end ? It’s 3-5 ft deep in the side bays but weeds and probably more oxygen? Shrimp would be in the weeds? I think it’s true about the shrimp because I had something cool happen. I was rippin my 4mm w spikes really fast Trying to imitate a shrimp.(no cadence at all) and a 9.75” gill came in fast like a trout and smoked it right below the hole. And I caught the perch on tip down minnows and they had completely empty stomach. I let the gill go

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