Big Buddy heater mods

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  • bigcrappie
    Posts: 4524

    Finally broke down and opened a new Big Buddy I had sitting in my fishing closet for 7 years, always used the heater/cooker because it always worked. Heard so many problems with the Buddy and Big Buddy on here that kept me using the heater/cooker. Now with my kids and wife wanting to join me I needed to find a safer heater. I am looking at the mod that uses a little piece of pop can to shield flame from blowing out when the door is opened on the Otter flip over. Just mostly looking for pics as I get what it does. Also might get one of those 5gal paint tray things to cook on. What have you done as far a mods that I should look at?

    Posts: 3429

    I know a lot of people use the paint roller screen to cook on but are the metals those things made of toxic? I would rather take something made for food and modify it to hang on the heater. Unless you are heating something up in foil or another container.

    Posts: 4802

    I’m not sure how the pop can blocking the pilot would make anything safer? If the pilot goes out the thermocouple will sense that and the gas will shut off automatically on the buddy heaters.

    The buddy heaters are pretty solid and damn reliable for the most part. Yea you might of heard alot of bad things about them but that may be because everybody owns ones and there are so many out there

    Posts: 3429

    I’d rather spend a few bucks than consume toxic metals. Could probably modify a cooling rack.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    If I forget to upload a pic tonight when home PM me.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12569

    The one thing I will say about Buddy heaters is to either use only bottled propane or if using a bulk tank, make sure you use a hose with a fuel filter. Most all the problems I know people have had with the buddy heaters is when using a fuel line to a bigger tank without a filter. Way to much crap in some propane refills these days. Once you have one have problems from dirty fuel, its hard to get it back to working well again.

    Posts: 24668

    The one thing I will say about Buddy heaters is to either use only bottled propane or if using a bulk tank, make sure you use a hose with a fuel filter.

    If you get the low pressure hose that has the quick connect you do not need a filter. A filter is required on the hoses that are regulated because they are high pressure and the oils will seep out of the hose which is what plugs up the thermocouple. I have used my low pressure hose for decades and never once have had an issue.

    Posts: 4802

    The one thing I will say about Buddy heaters is to either use only bottled propane or if using a bulk tank, make sure you use a hose with a fuel filter. Most all the problems I know people have had with the buddy heaters is when using a fuel line to a bigger tank without a filter. Way to much crap in some propane refills these days. Once you have one have problems from dirty fuel, its hard to get it back to working well again.

    It actually has nothing to do with dirty propane. Some of the hoses are made with a special oil and over time they will make there way into the orfices and plug stuff up. If you use the mr heater 10’ hose you will eliminate the need for any filter

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    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    i have a big buddy, dont use it all that much but hook it up to a 20 lber with a hose all the time and had only 1 issue with it. took a q-tip some rubbing alcohol and works just fine!!!

    reminds me i need to make sure it fires up again. the worse part is bleeding all the air out of the line before it lites. doah

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    another tip for cooking that is free is to take the grate off and turn it upside down. So the metal inserts that go in the bottom go instead in the top holes. this is what i have done and you can cook on it just fine. Not the most amount of space but enough room for a few hot dogs or pizza rolls. This year i plan on making more premade meals in tinfoil pans.

    Another thing you can consider is a single burner portable stove. I got one at Walmart one year as a gift. Think it cost $20. Its small, comes with a carrying case and works great

    Posts: 6631

    … the worse part is bleeding all the air out of the line before it lites. doah

    There’s a faster way.

    While OUTSIDE have the hose connected to the tank and disconnected from the heater.

    Open the valve and push something into the female quick coupler for 1-2 seconds (use a leatherman, screwdriver, etc).

    Way faster than doing it through the pilot light. Be sure to use common sense, again do it outside and away from any open flame.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>glenn57 wrote:</div>
    … the worse part is bleeding all the air out of the line before it lites. doah

    There’s a faster way.

    While OUTSIDE have the hose connected to the tank and disconnected from the heater.

    Open the valve and push something into the female quick coupler for 1-2 seconds (use a leatherman, screwdriver, etc).

    Way faster than doing it through the pilot light. Be sure to use common sense, again do it outside and away from any open flame.

    waytogo waytogo waytogo

    Posts: 4524

    Not safer just keeps the pilot flame from blowing out when the cold air rushes in when you open the door. It was a problem back in the day that when you opened th door the heater went out.

    I’m not sure how the pop can blocking the pilot would make anything safer?

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12569

    All good to know about the different hose’s. All I know is everyone I know who’s not had a problem have the inline filter. All those I know who have had a problem run theirs without a filter. This is mainly with older units and fuel lines. Maybe the newer units and hose’s are far different.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18794

    My old man used his buddy heater to “modify” his deer rifle in his stump stand last week. He leaned his rifle against the heater and sure enough it started to melt the plastic scope cover. Then all the melted plastic drips on his wood rifle stock. Only after the smell of burnt plastic did he realize what he had done. doah

    A couple years ago he burned a hole in his pants with his heater too.

    Its amazing he hasn’t burned down his house yet…

    Posts: 4802

    All good to know about the different hose’s. All I know is everyone I know who’s not had a problem have the inline filter. All those I know who have had a problem run theirs without a filter. This is mainly with older units and fuel lines. Maybe the newer units and hose’s are far different.

    If you run the mr heater brand 10’ you don’t need the filter. Any other hose they say you should run a filter. I got that info straight from mr heater.

    Posts: 3429

    Open the valve and push something into the female quick coupler for 1-2 seconds (use a leatherman, screwdriver, etc).

    I do it this way after waiting forever the first few times for the gas to get through the 10 foot non-filter hose. I keep a toothbrush in the bag with the heater just for this purpose.

    Posts: 24668

    Oh cleaning out the line is a PITA for sure. I have been pushing the plunger for years. Thankfully its usually only when you have run the tank dry that you have to do it so its one and done.

    Posts: 563

    U can rig the fan up to run off 12v batteries. It definitely helps spreading the heat around the shack

    Posts: 12786

    Yeah I have a hot rack. Well because it is my buddie that makes them. Feel a little safer than a paint roller. Otherwise no mods and have been hassle free for 10 years.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    I have had the original buddy heater for 20+ years and that has never had an issue with using hoses, on the other hand i have two newer ones that have to have a filter even with the 10’ Mr heater line…found out the hard way on a very cold day and trying out a newly purchase unit. Mr heater tech said make sure to run them with a filter when not utilizing 1 lbs tanks, with the filters on them absolutely no issues ever since. I’ll buy another one if one of them ever decides to quit working.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    I’m not sure if popcan would hild up to the heat or not, I just used a peice of galvanized sheetmetal and pop rivets.

    I also open the unit up and disconnect the wire for the tip over safety switch so it does kot shut off everytime you move or bump it. This also allows me to set the unit on its back and use it as a cook stove. I carry a small pan in one of my pails to cook with, no need for the paint tray cooker then.

    (Feel free to blast away boys about safety but I also refill 1# greenies and transport them. just living life on the edge…)

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    Posts: 24668

    U can rig the fan up to run off 12v batteries. It definitely helps spreading the heat around the shack

    I used a 6 volt rechargeable battery. Just take the back panel off and put clips on a black and red wire then fish it through to one of the propane panels. Works great.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3419

    what are you trying to cook on your buddy heater? I’ve cooked all sorts of things on my big buddy without any mods. Usually stuff thats just wrapped in tinfoil or in a tin foil type baking pan

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    I buddy moded mine for me. He bent some 1/4 inch metal wire mesh around the top and under the handle. Bent it over to secure on the protective grate in front of the heating element. It is big enough to set a skillit, or coffee pot on top of and cook. Works pretty good. Made carrying it a bit more difficult due to clearance for fingers around the carry handle. Cooks pretty good too. Brats, or hot ham and cheese in the hut are fine food. This just screams for SPAM, but I cannot do it.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3419

    robby, can you share a pic? sounds pretty neat

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1487

    what are you trying to cook on your buddy heater? I’ve cooked all sorts of things on my big buddy without any mods. Usually stuff thats just wrapped in tinfoil or in a tin foil type baking pan

    Where do you set it on the buddy heater to cook with out any mods? I did that once and melted part of the handle.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3419

    it depends what I’m cooking. A lot of times its just a breakfast sandwich or piece of pizza or something small wrapped in tinfoil, in which case I just set it on the top part of the wire grill and rotate every minute or two. Rotating frequently is key because otherwise certain areas could get really hot and I could see it melting a handle if you left it for a while

    when cooking bigger things, I do the same as what crappie posted above. flip the wire grate around 180 degrees and you get a nice little rack to cook on. depending how heavy it is, you may need to support the other side with a stick or metal ice scoop. if using a stick, make sure its nice and wet so its not flammable.

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