I had a great day chasing bluegill the other day and was keeping some 7-8inchers for a dinner but putting back all of my big males and females as I feel that’s just good practice… but I would love to hear everyone’s opinion on this!
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Ice Fishing Forum » Big Bluegills Keep or release?
Big Bluegills Keep or release?
phishingruven01Inactivesoutheast lower michiganPosts: 300January 23, 2019 at 9:28 pm #1828884
Great Job and Thanks on the Releases. We have a rule with the group of guys I fish with any gill 9 inches or better pic if u wan then released. No matter Male or female.
January 23, 2019 at 11:02 pm #1828900Where’s your bump board?
I really want one of those Gill Basket/Bump Boards the big gill guys all over the northern ice belt use to weight and measure their gills fast!
January 23, 2019 at 11:06 pm #1828901IceHawk that is a great rule to have! I like the fact that its a default rule and you don’t need to go into spacifics of male or female! Just if its big let it go! Sometimes I get very analytical with them and if I am looking at a male bluegill thats 7 or 8in and I see the “Monster Gill” genetic traits I will also let those go but I have seen some freaks and really pay attention to how they look and what some of the common characteristics in them is to watch for in smaller fish!
Tom SawvellInactivePosts: 9559January 24, 2019 at 10:39 am #1828990In most waters the truly BIG sunfish is in the minority. Keep 8″ fish for the table unless the 8″ fish is a big one for that particular body of water, then the 8″ers need to be protected. There are hundreds of lakes and ponds and backwaters that are thick with somewhat smaller, 7 and 8 inch, fish that eat better than the big ones. Perch should get the same treatment.
I keep darned few sunfish and fewer yet perch because I hate cleaning them. If one gets deep hooked and is bleeding from the gills I’ll hold it to see if it’ll recover enough to release. If they go belly up then of course I’ll clean them and eat them but my preference on both is to c/r them.
Mat PeirceInactiveSE IowaPosts: 197January 24, 2019 at 12:01 pm #1829037I release all males over 7″, I release all females over 9″. I fish a lake with 11.5+ inch bluegill, and catch and release is the only reason there’s any left.
eyeguy54Posts: 138January 24, 2019 at 12:06 pm #1829040yes indeed, anything 9 and over goes back. 8 to 8.5 dandy eaters.
January 24, 2019 at 12:08 pm #1829042I had a great day chasing bluegill the other day and was keeping some 7-8inchers for a dinner but putting back all of my big males and females as I feel that’s just good practice… but I would love to hear everyone’s opinion on this!
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I believe that 7-8″ fish are the best size to keep and eat. In waters with a good population of 8-9″ fish I will keep a few of them as well if needed to make a meal. Like others said – It mostly depends on the size of fish within the lake.
craig sPosts: 246January 24, 2019 at 3:24 pm #18291028.5″and under.
The difference in the amount of meat between an 8″ and a 9 1/2″er is almost unnoticeable.
eyeguy54Posts: 138January 24, 2019 at 4:58 pm #1829130hmmmm, I cleaned a few that size a few years ago and a 9.5 had a lot more meat than an 8. they go free now days for somebody else’s bucket.
January 24, 2019 at 5:20 pm #1829136In most waters the truly BIG sunfish is in the minority. Keep 8″ fish for the table unless the 8″ fish is a big one for that particular body of water, then the 8″ers need to be protected. There are hundreds of lakes and ponds and backwaters that are thick with somewhat smaller, 7 and 8 inch, fish that eat better than the big ones. Perch should get the same treatment.
I keep darned few sunfish and fewer yet <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>perch because I hate cleaning them. If one gets deep hooked and is bleeding from the gills I’ll hold it to see if it’ll recover enough to release. If they go belly up then of course I’ll clean them and eat them but my preference on both is to c/r them.
I like the way you think!
January 24, 2019 at 5:21 pm #1829137Keep and release to the flatheads
Lol How did I know you would chime in on this! It don’t count with you because you catch FREAKS of the kitty world!
January 24, 2019 at 5:22 pm #1829138I release all males over 7″, I release all females over 9″. I fish a lake with 11.5+ inch bluegill, and catch and release is the only reason there’s any left.
You have a special lake! and sound like your on track with perfect management!
January 24, 2019 at 5:23 pm #1829139yes indeed, anything 9 and over goes back. 8 to 8.5 dandy eaters.
I agree a good 8in fish is a great eater if I’m looking for some good fresh fish!
eyeguy54Posts: 138January 24, 2019 at 10:10 pm #1829246How does pickled gill taste in comparison to pickled pike? I have always wondered?
ClownColorInactiveThe Back 40Posts: 1955January 25, 2019 at 8:41 am #1829309How does pickled gill taste in comparison to pickled pike? I have always wondered?
…Just like everything else that’s been pickled!
eyeguy54Posts: 138January 28, 2019 at 11:27 am #1830043<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>DWSDave31 wrote:</div>
How does pickled gill taste in comparison to pickled pike? I have always wondered?…Just like everything else that’s been pickled!
Some things don’t tase as good pickled
But now that we are on the subject of it! I need to go catch some Pike to Pickle!!!
milemark_714Posts: 1289January 28, 2019 at 12:53 pm #1830102How does pickled gill taste in comparison to pickled pike? I have always wondered?
Very similar to pickled perch,which are excellent.You could keep those watch fob bluegills,just scale and gut them for pickling.I even seen some where the heads were still on them.Not for me.
January 28, 2019 at 12:59 pm #1830106I keep to eat. If they are bigger I keep fewer. As infrequently as I get out I dont eat that many any more. All the more reason to keep any eaters I catch.
January 28, 2019 at 3:14 pm #1830187<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>DWSDave31 wrote:</div>
How does pickled gill taste in comparison to pickled pike? I have always wondered?Very similar to pickled perch,which are excellent.You could keep those watch fob bluegills,just scale and gut them for pickling.I even seen some where the heads were still on them.Not for me.
Well now I have a whole new reason to get some perch and gills to clean if they are good pickled!!!!
January 28, 2019 at 11:07 pm #1830374I often keep them in the 7.5-8.5″ range. Bluegill moistened with water, tossed in Zatarain’s Crispy Southern, and deep fried in peanut oil for 3 minutes is one of my favorite foods.
I’d rather keep a number of fish in that range than keep and eat the big breeders. Sure there a nice pile of meat on a 9″ bluegill, but it doesn’t sit well with me.
The limit is 20 per person per day, which is a joke, but that’s another thread for another day. I often portion my fish in 8oz portions when I freeze them. A bluegill fillet in the range I mentioned is about an ounce or a hair more. In other words, a limit can produce 40-45 oz of meat. Overkill. Some people keep that almost daily, because nobody is realistically going to do anything about it. Sad.
January 29, 2019 at 1:54 am #1830387Bass I completely agree on portions since I have been in the world of fitness for almost 20yrs now I only need to eat about 4 to 8 bluegill fillets at any given meal to get what I need from it and have it taste good lol so that’s really all Ill ever keep normally is 2 to 4 gills for myself or if I am feeding the GF and I ill keep 8-10 max and it still makes me wonder to this day why 10 isn’t the limit? if its one person going out thats plenty for 2 meals and if 2 people go out thats 40 fillets… thats a lot of food for anyone but then again people are greedy and over eat on the regular. Very happy to see as many people in here as I do so far that have self imposed limits as that means there still is hope for the feisty little saucers that can pull drag!!!
eyeguy54Posts: 138January 29, 2019 at 8:50 am #1830455we like to eat fish once a week. Occasionally 2 times. Switched over to coconut oil from peanut oil a month ago. Really like it. 6 or 7, 8 to 8.5 inchers is just right for the 2 of us. Usually a couple pieces left for her lunch the next day at school. I think a lot of people keep the 6 and 7 inchers so maybe thats why the limit is 20? who knows. WIll do a taste test on the pickled gills Friday and let ya know how they are.
January 30, 2019 at 1:42 am #1830815WIll do a taste test on the pickled gills Friday and let ya know how they are.
Much appreciated! I know a few lakes with endless numbers of 7in fish lol Would love to pickle some up if they are good!
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