Better to have 2 batteries to exchange for Sonar vs. 1 longer lasting battery?

  • usmarine0352
    Posts: 462

    I was wondering since batteries take quite a long time to charge if you are out on a 2-4 day fishing trip would it be better to have 2 batteries for your sonar/fish locater so that you could just exchange them when one gets low vs. waiting to charge it for a few hours?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    I hard water fish at my cabin and am out 4 to 5 hours max each time. I carry 2 batteries especially now that I fish with livescope. Plus I keep a couple on the charger back at the cabin just in case.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    I always have 2 batteries with. Many times it has saved a buddy if not my self.

    Steve Johnson
    Posts: 96

    That is one of the reasons I switched to using 18V tool batteries to power my sonar. Since I already have multiple batteries and multiple chargers, I can keep a spare if my auger or sonar needs one. I can also leave some on chargers and take some with for multiple days in a row fishing.
    Most brands of sonar will take up to 20V without a problem.
    I use Garmin, but others on this site with different brands have done the same.

    Posts: 6687

    I have a dozen+ 7 to 9 ah batteries.
    Trip to lotw with a dozen peeps…I bring em all

    Most of them were free.

    Can’t imagine spending the cash on the lithium that people do. shock

    I always have 2 batteries with. Many times it has saved a buddy if not my self.

    Yes, and usually not needed!

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    My lithium battery runs my Helix 7 with Ice Defense and Glo Ring all day long. Plenty long enough for me. No need for another battery.

    Another bonus is it’s much lighter, which would be another negative of having to carry another battery with you.

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