Better to fish sharp or gradual drop offs?

  • Tai
    Posts: 11

    Can someone help me understand how fish would relate to sharp drop offs and whether it would be best to fish the gradual or sharp drop offs?

    Here is an example – not where I fish but I was looking for something drastic.
    the dark contours go from 60 – 80ft while the gradual drop on the right side goes from 69 – 80.

    Would fish typically swim along the dark contours until they find a path that expends the least amount of energy or would they just go straight from 69-80ft or vice versa. Hypothetically speaking. I know these depths may be too deep.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Think about it how you would walk it. James did a show i think last year and did a great job breaking the map diwn fir a spot on the spot explination

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    what are you fishing for? what lake are you attempting to get info on? every lake is unique and your question is pretty vague. guessing you are going after lakers?

    Posts: 11

    Thanks Randy!

    eyeguy, i’m just thinking about fish in general (i’m a lmb guy though). I live and fish in MN and don’t think too much about steep drops since I rarely see them in the lakes I fish. When I visit the GB area and see these types of contours I wonder to myself where the best places would be to get incoming fish.

    Between Pool 2 and Pool 4
    Posts: 788

    Think about it how you would walk it. James did a show i think last year and did a great job breaking the map diwn fir a spot on the spot explination

    Do you remember what the subject of that show was so that I may find it easier?

    I wasn’t able to open the pic the OP posted but from the description I can imagine. Anywhere there is a transition there is a higher percentage of that spot holding fish. If you can identify where the lateral spot(s) are this transitions from gradual to steep, there is your spot on the spot. Id choose the transitions on the top of the break, the bottom and in between is where I’d be working. Active fish likely to be partway up then to the top.

    If there is any other structure or transitions in that area, weeds, rock etc, that’s be your bullseye.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Steep walls – fish need to swim around them

    Gradual funnels near the steep walls are where fish travel up/down

    Top left of page – VIDEOS – Season 11 – MAPPING CONCEPTS
    January 17, 2017

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