best Walleye lakes/ Central Wisc.

  • Kris Berg
    Posts: 108

    Hello. My wife and I are heading to the Hayward area in August for a week. We are staying on the Chippewa Flowage for a few days and will be fishing there most of the time. Are there any other really good lakes I should check out in the area? Thanks for any input

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6021

    Have a lake you may want to try, I’ll send you a PM

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6021

    Dnr puts out or allows more cribs than the very careful DNR here, I would want to get the location of those they attract SMBs and walters.

    Posts: 4564

    Check out Tom Boley on YouTube, he is from there and post weekly on how he hammers the eyes.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6021

    Ha! already told him that in a PM and named a lake Boley was on-Ha!

    Kris Berg
    Posts: 108

    Thanks guys. I fished Grindstone lake 1 day and got a bunch of big smallmouths and a couple walleyes. The rest of the week I was dissecting the Chippewa Flowage. Out of 50-60 walleyes, 3 were either in the slot or over 20′. LOTS of small fish!

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