Best Trolling Motor for Lowrance Hook 2 12 Inch Tripleshot US Inland

  • Michael Walker
    Posts: 2

    We just purchased the Lowrance Hook 2 12 Inch Tripleshot US Inland and I am hoping to get some feedback on the best trolling motor to use that is compatible.

    I liked the Minn kota Terrova with the Ilink and spot lock but fromwhat I have been reading it is not compatible with the Lowrance. Can anyone recommed a trolling motor that has the same features that wil be compatible withthe Lowrance?

    We are new to fishing with a trolling motor and fish finder combo and any help would be appreciated.

    Posts: 24581

    You can use that unit with a terrova. The terrova has universal sonar (US2) and you will need an adaptor.

    You can use the a MinnKota Terrova with a Lowrance to view the sonar on the Hook, but it will not allow for any of the iLink features unfortunately. You can still use those features from the remote itself, but not do any of the other things you can do with a MK and Humminbird.
    Motorguide Xi5 trolling motors (similar to Terrova) will connect with Lowrance units but will NOT work with a Hook model for the on unit controls. If you want to use those features on an Xi5 you need to get an HDS Touch unit or possibly the new Elite Ti models.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    Thanks CaptainMusky. Great informed response.

    So you can use it, but definitely lacking some of the nicer features.

    Posts: 24581

    So you can use it, but definitely lacking some of the nicer features.

    Correct! The way the electronics and trolling motors co-mingle these days its best to go into the purchase considering both things at the same time. I realize that isnt a possibility for everyone because the prices are out of this world.

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