The question I answered was my belief that now is the time to sell a boat and in a few years it will be time to buy a boat:
With talk of the newly minted pipeline from north Dakota to Illinois also being shut down along with the shuttering of the Keystone pipeline along with new regulations put on oil and fracking, gas prices will inevitably go much higher than current gas prices – atleast double of what we are seeing now. As we grow more dependent on foriegn oil and the consequences that come with those decisions along with other other green initiatives currently being placed upon every day consumers, it inevitably will take its toll on consumer spending on such luxury items as large boats sitting in your garage for 9 months out of the year (for most people).
Also due to Covid many consumers are making snap judgments and jumping into boats they will soon regret and more likely will not be able to afford payment much less fill them up. Furthermore they will realize they made a mistake because they only bought the boat under the current crazy circumstance that is Covid. The boat market at this time will shift from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market.
So in short. Sell now buy in the inevitable down turn. That’s my plan. Only I’m not selling my current boat. Just waiting for the downturn to buy my dream boat. Patience is a virtue.
You might be right in your thinking. But I don’t know how much you will save waiting. Payments are payments and if a guy buys with little or no down payment (and many do) they are upside down driving off the lot. Just how big a hit can or will they take? If you’re thinking the banks will repossess boats at a huge rate I think thats wrong also. They don’t want to take the hit either.
If for example your scenario comes true in 2 years and the guy has been waiting already for two years for the bottom to fall out (as many have predicted) thats 4 years. Thats 4 years to save how much money?
While the prices of boats may or may not change what will stay the same is what you can ideally afford. Buying new or used, make a good down payment. If you can’t scratch together a down payment you won’t be able to make the payments either if something else happens.
I can tell you, time goes fast and life is short. Kids only stay small so long and they are gone. New boat prices aren’t coming down, so if thats your thing save & buy while you are young enough to enjoy it. Another thing is kids don’t know new from used, fish don’t know new from used. Your bank account does know new from used. Buy accordingly.
Thats my nickels worth.