Best time to buy a new boat

  • phoyem
    Posts: 363

    I’ve owned a 2003 Lund 1800 Explorer tiller the last 11 years, and I think I’m ready for an upgrade. Looking to buy a new dual console 2000 model series alaskan. I like the bigger space, and the dual windshield, and just ready for a newer boat.

    That being said, I’m not in any huge hurry to buy. I’ve had my old boat for 11 years, and if I had to, would be happy to have it 11 more. I could buy my new boat next week, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, etc. So my general questions:

    1. Is there any particular good time of year to buy a new boat?
    2. Does lund offer any specific promotions that are going on now? Or might there be some promotions coming up down the road?
    3. Is it worth shopping around with different dealers? (I’m planning on ordering a new boat). Any dealer you’d recommend?

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    I really don’t have much to offer on this other than… my biggest concern would be picking a dealer that could sell me the motor I want. Many Lund dealers can only put on a Mercury. If you wanted to put on a Yamaha there are only a handful of dealers I know of in Minnesota that can do that. Hoot’s Marine is one of them.

    Posts: 4376

    With the market as it is on used boats right now because of COVID, its a sellers market for good used boats. I would take advantage of that and then with cash in hand look for the boat you want. Can you save $500 different times of the year probably, but your clean used boat is worth $2k more right now makes up for the savings you will ever see on a new boat.

    Posts: 6259

    Sell your used boat now. In about two years gas prices will be in the $4-5 a gallon range. Buy your new boat then. Best advice I can give you.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11820

    As a practical matter, with the current red hot market for boats and every other outdoor rec toy, I think it’s more a matter of timing. The “best” time to buy is such that you have it in time for when you want to use it. Sounds obvious, but with the crazy covid demand, it’s not that easy to pull off.

    The Alaskan you’re looking at is going to be hard to find in dealer stock. Anything could happen, but if you have to order it, you have to look at lead times which from what I’m hearing are long right now and getting longer every day.

    It doesn’t cost anything to shop around, it would be worth seeing who has the Alaskan in stock if anyone. That would tell you a lot in terms of how you’re going to have to do this.

    IMO, the best new boat move right now would be to order the new boat at the end of this summer with the idea of winter 21-22 delivery. That gives plenty of winter/early spring for rigging however you want to do it.

    Then sell the old boat during CrazyTime from April 1 to June 1 to maximize return. Again, just a timing thing but having a good used boat on the market during CrazyTime will make for a fast sale and maximum coinage out of the old boat.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 11877

    Yeah I agree with Grouse, the biggest variable is going to be finding your new boat and how long that will take to land in your garage. I’d start there and get an idea of the time line which might help with some of your other ideas. For Lund Dealers in the Metro I think Rapid Marine has a good reputation, and not sure what other options are available.

    Posts: 3969

    Guessing after last year this wont be an option, but when i bought my boat it was a hold over model from prior year and the saving was substantial. Looked one weekend and went back the next to buy, and the four hold overs they had were all sold. Same exact boat in current year was like 7k more. Thats huge on a 25k boat. The next year went back with money in hand. They had three hold overs and bought on the spot.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5854

    I would recommend talking with your dealer of choice to get a handle of the order timeline….
    Im guessing that if you ordered a non stock order you will be looking at the June timeline based on many of the builders but not Lund specifically. If they have a stock order Alaskan inbound not built changes to your specifications might be able to be changed….

    I would encourage you to be pro active if you know what you want and when you want it.

    Posts: 11796

    Sell your used boat now. In about two years gas prices will be in the $4-5 a gallon range. Buy your new boat then. Best advice I can give you.

    Um ok…it’s not a stock it’s a boat and most fisherman don’t want to fish from the bank for two years to save a few bucks.

    Spring is when the boat shows typically happen and there usually is a little competition among dealers and brands to make a sale.
    With Covid it is a bit different now. Demand is up and supply is down. I would start the looking and talking to dealers now. I would work with a dealer that has the service and you feel most comfortable with. Good service in the long run will outweigh 500-1000 in savings. I am not a Lund guy so not up to date on all the dealers to work with.

    Posts: 880

    Typically Lund and other manufacturers have spring and/or boat show specials. This year with the shows cancelled, it looks like just manufacturers rebates and maybe dealer incentives, but boats are selling like beer the first day bars opened after covid hit. I wouldn’t wait if you are serious. I suspect your boat would sell fast. Be careful though because you may end up boatless if you don’t have a replacement lined up.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5221

    Sell your used boat now. In about two years gas prices will be in the $4-5 a gallon range. Buy your new boat then. Best advice I can give you.

    Like I would stop using my boat because I couldn’t fill it. Let alone sell now to be without one for 2 years to save a few bucks because some schmo couldn’t afford $4 gas. I’m sorry but that is awful advice! We talking filling an 18′ boat not the titanic!

    Posts: 1253

    If you’re looking for a deal, this is the time of year to buy. Go to a boat show ready to order one. Last I’ve heard that’s the best price you’ll see all year. It’s only 1 or 2 thousand off normal price but they’re selling so fast the dealers don’t have to lower their prices. Find a boat show and go with the plan on buying one!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16776

    Go shop now. If you find one in stock slap a down payment and get yours listed. It will sell quick. If you need to order tell the dealer to submit the order in Sept or Oct and use yours all summer.

    IMO there is no Crazy time any more. No need to wait. Lay it out there at the price you will accept and it will sell. As far as deals on new……don’t hold your breath. There isn’t any incentive for the dealer to toss you anything other then a life jacket.

    Posts: 363

    Thanks for the feedback. And yea, in my current boat, a 4 hour trip takes about 2 gallons of gas = $6. Cost of gas isn’t a factor. For how much I love to fish, it could be $50/trip and well worth it.

    Posts: 6259

    The question I answered was my belief that now is the time to sell a boat and in a few years it will be time to buy a boat:

    With talk of the newly minted pipeline from north Dakota to Illinois also being shut down along with the shuttering of the Keystone pipeline along with new regulations put on oil and fracking, gas prices will inevitably go much higher than current gas prices – atleast double of what we are seeing now. As we grow more dependent on foriegn oil and the consequences that come with those decisions along with other other green initiatives currently being placed upon every day consumers, it inevitably will take its toll on consumer spending on such luxury items as large boats sitting in your garage for 9 months out of the year (for most people).

    Also due to Covid many consumers are making snap judgments and jumping into boats they will soon regret and more likely will not be able to afford payment much less fill them up. Furthermore they will realize they made a mistake because they only bought the boat under the current crazy circumstance that is Covid. The boat market at this time will shift from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market.

    So in short. Sell now buy in the inevitable down turn. That’s my plan. Only I’m not selling my current boat. Just waiting for the downturn to buy my dream boat. Patience is a virtue.

    Donaldo Copalla
    Grand Marais, MN.
    Posts: 6

    Hey Everyone !

    This is the topic I’ve been lurking for…Thanks phoyem wink

    Any idea when Lund will start taking orders on 2022’s ?

    Lund corporate rep. suggested I call my local dealer he’s a Great Guy
    and willing to rig exactly what I want but said it would be mid July
    and I’m fine with that, however I’m wondering if my dealers Lund
    sales and location would effect my special order ?

    My plan is to have local guy put it together here in AZ as this where
    it will be most of the year, and then fish my way back to MN for a few
    months then find a different route back to AZ.

    Thoughts, Comments coffee

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16776

    The question I answered was my belief that now is the time to sell a boat and in a few years it will be time to buy a boat:

    With talk of the newly minted pipeline from north Dakota to Illinois also being shut down along with the shuttering of the Keystone pipeline along with new regulations put on oil and fracking, gas prices will inevitably go much higher than current gas prices – atleast double of what we are seeing now. As we grow more dependent on foriegn oil and the consequences that come with those decisions along with other other green initiatives currently being placed upon every day consumers, it inevitably will take its toll on consumer spending on such luxury items as large boats sitting in your garage for 9 months out of the year (for most people).

    Also due to Covid many consumers are making snap judgments and jumping into boats they will soon regret and more likely will not be able to afford payment much less fill them up. Furthermore they will realize they made a mistake because they only bought the boat under the current crazy circumstance that is Covid. The boat market at this time will shift from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market.

    So in short. Sell now buy in the inevitable down turn. That’s my plan. Only I’m not selling my current boat. Just waiting for the downturn to buy my dream boat. Patience is a virtue.

    You might be right in your thinking. But I don’t know how much you will save waiting. Payments are payments and if a guy buys with little or no down payment (and many do) they are upside down driving off the lot. Just how big a hit can or will they take? If you’re thinking the banks will repossess boats at a huge rate I think thats wrong also. They don’t want to take the hit either.

    If for example your scenario comes true in 2 years and the guy has been waiting already for two years for the bottom to fall out (as many have predicted) thats 4 years. Thats 4 years to save how much money?

    While the prices of boats may or may not change what will stay the same is what you can ideally afford. Buying new or used, make a good down payment. If you can’t scratch together a down payment you won’t be able to make the payments either if something else happens.

    I can tell you, time goes fast and life is short. Kids only stay small so long and they are gone. New boat prices aren’t coming down, so if thats your thing save & buy while you are young enough to enjoy it. Another thing is kids don’t know new from used, fish don’t know new from used. Your bank account does know new from used. Buy accordingly.

    Thats my nickels worth. wink grin

    Posts: 11796

    The question I answered was my belief that now is the time to sell a boat and in a few years it will be time to buy a boat:

    With talk of the newly minted pipeline from north Dakota to Illinois also being shut down along with the shuttering of the Keystone pipeline along with new regulations put on oil and fracking, gas prices will inevitably go much higher than current gas prices – atleast double of what we are seeing now. As we grow more dependent on foriegn oil and the consequences that come with those decisions along with other other green initiatives currently being placed upon every day consumers, it inevitably will take its toll on consumer spending on such luxury items as large boats sitting in your garage for 9 months out of the year (for most people).

    Also due to Covid many consumers are making snap judgments and jumping into boats they will soon regret and more likely will not be able to afford payment much less fill them up. Furthermore they will realize they made a mistake because they only bought the boat under the current crazy circumstance that is Covid. The boat market at this time will shift from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market.

    So in short. Sell now buy in the inevitable down turn. That’s my plan. Only I’m not selling my current boat. Just waiting for the downturn to buy my dream boat. Patience is a virtue.

    So you are only following half the advice you gave. Got it waytogo

    Posts: 6259

    Well as further fuel to my fire : Canada is closed.
    This boat will fill that need of making 50 mile trips in something newer and safer that more meets my wants and needs when I’m there. But as long as it remains closed I can’t use it for my purpose in buying so that helps my patients.

    Yes I will buy used as the prices on new generally will lag in a downturn if at all

    Either way best of luck to O.p. in your purchase and sale!

    Posts: 6259

    content/smilies/icon_toast.gif” alt=”toast” class=”wp-smiley” />

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16776

    Wrong forum.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Hi Pete,

    Let me know how much they give you for trade in, or if you list it give me a heads up. Getting a bigger boat may mean you will need a bigger SUV to pull it also, weren’t you running a manual Jeep?

    With high demand the price on new ones will only continue to climb….buy now and enjoy it.

    Good Luck and have fun looking around.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I wish they leased boats. I’d have a new one every other year!

    Phoyem, I’ve bought three boats from Nelson Marine in WBL and have always been happy. The last one is my current boat, a 1775 ProV. I bought it used while looking at it with the rep I was talking about things I’d like to change/add. When I picked it up all the items I mentioned except one were on installed, free of charge. It was about $400 total and I know it was because of my history with them but nevertheless.

    Posts: 363

    All good feedback guys; thanks! I think this week I will contact dealers and start the process. And yes, good memory onestout! My compass is doing a good job towing and it looks like the Alaskan has a very light hull and is similar weight.

    Posts: 11796

    I wish they leased boats. I’d have a new one every other year!

    Phoyem, I’ve bought three boats from Nelson Marine in WBL and have always been happy. The last one is my current boat, a 1775 ProV. I bought it used while looking at it with the rep I was talking about things I’d like to change/add. When I picked it up all the items I mentioned except one were on installed, free of charge. It was about $400 total and I know it was because of my history with them but nevertheless.

    I think everyone would lease. lol

    Posts: 1102

    I’ve seen people drop more money at a Blackjack table in 5 minutes than you will probably see with a best case scenario of timing the the market on a purchase or sale. Find what you want, and go buy it. Your boat will sell either way.
    Less stress, more fun

    South Metro
    Posts: 1960

    There’s a brand new Lund, 2019 Pro V sport in the Classifieds of this website – just sayin

    Posts: 160

    I am in the same situation only I want to go from a single console to a tiller. My question is how to price the boat? Is the NADA value about right a little more or a little less for those that have sold in the last year any advice?

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