Best Size/Type Trailer for Ice Fishing?

  • Dogfish
    Posts: 111

    Hi Everyone,

    I need to get a new trailer to pull my snowmobile around. However, I’m a little tight on storage space at the house, so I was thinking of going away from the 8×8 tilt trailer I currently have and getting a 5×8 or something along those lines. Ideally, I’d like to be able to have a snowmobile and a 2 person flip-over house on the trailer together. Any recommendations on size or type that people really like?

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1512

    I have an aluminum 6ft by 10ft with a ramp on the back that works perfect for me

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I have a 5 by 8 Aluma trailer that I use for my atv. It works great for that but it is not big enough for a shack too. I don’t know if a snow mobile is longer than 8 ft. I put the shack in back of my pilot.

    Posts: 737

    I have a 6×12 enclosed that fits the bill for my use. I keep the old 1994 2 stroke Indy Trail Deluxe in there year round (keeps that distinct two stroke smell outta the garage) along with a Clam Yukon and 6×6 Clam hub. Depending if I’m bringing the ATV or Indy I load the unit of choice up, put the hub and Yukon in there with other gear, and away we go. Went with the enclosed for the year round storage especially.

    Posts: 334

    I’m looking for something along these lines too. I will be getting an enclosed at least 6×10 . Keeps machine and gear much cleaner and nicer.

    Posts: 794

    Not quite sure what you mean by tight on storage space, no room for the trailer outside or space inside the garage for the snowmobile? But if you have room for the trailer outside I would do just what acarroline said and get an 8×12 enclosed and keep the snowmobile and flip-over in it year round. You may want to consider getting a trailer that is big enough for the newer snowmobiles in the event down the road you get a different snowmobile you don’t need a different trailer.

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    I have a Mission enclosed trailer 12″x7″, It will handle 2 snowmobiles, I have a Skidoo Tundra Long Trac (11’6″) There is still enough room to fit my 2 person Otter along side. I am able to store all of my stuff in a Pole building, Units are kept in my enclosed trailer… mouse problems.

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