Best settings for Mega Live ice fishing

  • Natedh
    Posts: 4

    Hey all, just got a Helix 9 Mega live, I downloaded 1.2 on the live and 2.8 on the helix. Been tinkering some, just wondering if anybody has a good starting point. What forward range is best, I have mine at 60 feet but the bottom is not crisp

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2318

    Here is a link to HB’s support for Mega Live. At the bottom of the page are recommended starting settings for update 1.20. I just got mine a few weeks ago as well and it worked pretty well out of the box. Now I’ve tinkered with it probably too much and have made it worse. Next time out will try their settings and go from there.

    MEGA Live Getting Started

    Everything I’ve seen with these FFS is that the further out you get, the fuzzier the bottom. Report back if you’ve found the ideal settings and I’ll try do the same. Of course every situation is different, but what I’ve been told is that you should not have to deviate too far from their recommended settings.

    Posts: 72

    I just mounted my solid 10 and mega live to my 4 wheeler. I am hoping it will be fast to use for scouting.

    1. IMG_3295-scaled.jpeg

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