Best sandals for the buck??

  • buschman
    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    Hi all, this is an odd topic but wanted to see if you all had a pair of bullet proof sandals that’s worth what you paid for.
    We are taking a trip to Yellowstone and the badlands in a few weeks. I wanted a pair of sandals that can handle some work but still be good for being a river bum.
    I don’t plan to wear them the whole trip for hiking but want some good sandals that are able to get down a river bank or rip rap on the river but still breath well and good to get wet if I have to chase a rod down.

    Thank you.

    Great Laker
    Posts: 68

    Crocs – it’s all I ever wear in the BWCA

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1070

    Under armor.

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    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    I was looking at the crocks. Not the standard ones. I usually wear them but my feet sweat something mad. So they get slippery on me. I was looking to try the style that straps over your foot. That’s my initial direction. I am the guy that wears socks and crocks right now. The bottom tread sucks too. The ones I have anyways.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    Keens. They have awesome footwear and they are comfortable with or without socks. Is it okay to admit I wear socks with sandals?? whistling

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    I’ve had Keens for at least 10 years maybe more. I do not like the H2O(nylon) model. I have Keen shoes also. Just bought another pair.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    I love crocs but they are not sandals for hiking. The only bullet proof “sandals” are chacos – Keens quality have gone to absolute crap in the last few years.

    The real problem is that whatever you get you need to wear them for a while, get the blisters and heal from that, and then hike on.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    I’ve had Keens for at least 10 years maybe more. I do not like the H2O(nylon) model. I have Keen shoes also. Just bought another pair.

    I had a pair of Keens for 12 years and then bought another pair for a grand canyon trip because my feet got a size bigger. The ankle stitching blew out on a 17 day trip. Thank god for the rei warranty.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Keens, hands down.

    Posts: 1040

    Keens are indeed pretty solid (but spendy). Choose the style wisely. Some I think are more comfortable than others. I have a pair about 10 years old I’ve ‘fixed’ with some Fireline braid to keep em in operation.

    Lou W
    Posts: 206

    Get the ones that fit your feet best

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Keens ! For sandals I think they have a good fit and great arch support. Only knock on sandals like Keens is they seem to be pebble magnets!


    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    crocs…when over half the hospital staff workers wear them, you know they are comfy!

    Great Laker
    Posts: 68

    My experience with Keens is they hold water much longer than crocs and take a lot longer to dry out after you get them completely submerged. Perhaps there are models that hold less moisture but the ones I’ve tried were less than ideal for wetfooting in the bwca

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    I cant wear crocks in the summer months either Joe as i just slide around in them in almost no time as my feet start sweating. Basically only get used for winter garage shoes. I wear simple flip flops all summer unless I am at work and over the years I seems to like Teva best, the form to the foot over time, they don’t get slippery and they last a long time for me. They do have some more secure options as I bought a pair of the Dozer models years ago and they are fine I just don’t wear them often. I think Cabelas has a sale on a similar model right now called the Teva Forebay.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I’m not impressed with Keen’s. My wife loves them, but I have tried several different styles and just don’t care for them.

    Chacos are indestructible and have good arch support. They’re also expensive, and in my experience, I really need to build up callouses before I’ll wear them for an extended period of time.

    Have you thought about more of a water shoe? I have some Astrals that are very comfortable, keep the pebbles out, and dry very quickly.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Have you thought about more of a water shoe? I have some Astrals that are very comfortable, keep the pebbles out, and dry very quickly.

    That’s what I was thinking too, I have a couple pair made by Vasque that are the ultimate BWCA/Hiking/Water footwear, but I think they discontinued them.

    Posts: 5139

    Keens for sure. These ones survived 10 days of hiking Kauai and Maui last year. Through knee-deep mud, rocks, and plenty of water.

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    Posts: 4800

    i have keens and crocs. much prefer the crocs. seems like i always have small pebbles stuck in the keens in my experience

    Cody Meyers
    Posts: 466

    I have an old pair of keens that I like. I have a lot of miles logged in them from bombing around Glacier a few years back when I lived out there. I can’t speak to the quality of the new pairs.

    I’m more of a flip flop fella though. I’ve had several pairs of Reefs and others and I think it’s real hard to beat a pair of Rainbows.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    Thanks for all the feedback guys and gal!!! I will check all them out. I am not far from Cabelas so can go down and try them on too.. I have some crocks and know what you mean about the others getting pebbles. I also have some water shoes but do not like them for anything but the water! I just use them for tubing down the Nab at the cabin. This helps a lot!!

    Posts: 104

    I have a couple pair of Keen’s and they always seem to bite just behind my little toe even though they both are years old and have been worn to the point that the sole is badly worn.

    Try on a bunch of different style, everyone has different feet and preferences, I have a sandal style Croc that I wear a lot and a couple old traditional leather walking sandals that I love.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    The keens I had lasted less than 2 seasons. Will not buy another set. Currently on year 2 with a pair of tevas. So far so good but durability is TBD.

    I used to have a pair of sperrys years ago that lasted for almost a decade before breaking down. Unfortunately they aren’t made anymore otherwise I’d buy more.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I’m more of a flip flop fella though. I’ve had several pairs of Reefs and others and I think it’s real hard to beat a pair of Rainbows.

    I love reefs too, but only the rubber ones. I had the ones that are like fake leather and they will peel.

    Curious why you like rainbows, I’ve not heard of them until now.

    I had a pair of croc flip flops too that I liked because they had a thick sole. Good for when you need a more rigged flip flop. I like reefs because they are light and hold their form over time.

    Cody Meyers
    Posts: 466

    The rainbows are about the same price, and are much more comfortable. Wearing the Reefs, my legs and back would hurt if I was on my feet too long. The rainbows will for to your foot a bit and are much more comfortable.

    They also have a warranty which is nice.

    Simple, comfortable, affordable, look nice.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Thank you, I may have to check them out

    Posts: 1044

    These are Chacos. I have weak arches (ala flat feet) and these have arch support which is important to me. I wouldn’t go hiking in the woods with these but I wear them on 3-mile walks to the park with the dog just fine.

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    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Have keens and crocs. Never wear the crocs. The problem with them for me is the hair on top of my foot gets stuck to the runner crocs and it feels like I’m having hair yanked out every 20 seconds.

    I am not a sock and croc man

    Posts: 314

    I’m pretty happy with my Teva sandals. They aren’t closed toe like many of the Keens shown above, but I don’t consider them sandals. Everyone’s foot is different,so you have to try lots. Keens and Tiva are great shoes for my feet. I have both in different shoes. Personally,I don’t hike in sandals. I prefer a low cut hiking boot or some of the new hiking shoes that Keen has.

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