Best Rod/Reel/Line for Pike Fishing

  • Dan
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4110

    Northern pike have been my favorite fish to catch for quite awhile but I’ve never really customized my fishing arsenal specifically for them. I come from a modest country upbringing where a lot of the people I began fishing with had their main rod/reel combo and that was it. In my case it’s been a spinning combo I bought from Gander Mountain almost ten years ago. It’s definitely provided me with my money’s worth but I’d like to get a different combo that I can use and keep set up for pike. Last year while fishing with others I got the chance to use some baitcasting combos and they seemed to work pretty well. Any recommendations for those? I’ve done some research of my own but obviously when it comes to fishing gear there’s going to be a million different options and combinations and it can be hard to filter it down. Just wondering if any of you have any specific recommendations for a rod, reel, and line for fishing for pike. I’d like to get a new setup this spring and work with it the rest of the year.


    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    “Best” is a very subjective term. Cost no object? Best for what weight or style of lure?

    I’ve specialized for pike for a little over a decade and my fishing partner over 20 years. We’ve pretty much settled on the same things.

    Two different types of setups.
    Baitcaster(5.3 gear ratio), medium heavy rod either 6’6″ or 7′, and always 20# mono(Trilene Xt or Suffix Siege), plus a leader with a crosslok snap

    Think heavier lures like spoons and bucktails for this. If you try to cast lighter crankbaits in the wind you will hate this.

    we’ve both started with mono, tried braid with bad experience, and back to mono

    Second setup:
    Spinning reel series 35 plus or minus, medium heavy fast 6’6″ rod, 12-14# mono(same brands) and same type of leader

    Think crank baits like husky jerks, #13 floating raps, jig/plastic. Can be used for slightly heavier metal but not good with over 1 oz bucktails

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997


    Money and having one setup was important when I started. Have upgraded along the way.

    Baitcaster – Ambassadeur 6500 C3 series is a good bang for the buck. This is what we run, never needed to change. Better reels are out there but might have to spend more. Worse or cheaper reels exist too.
    Spinning – Started with cheap ones which worked. Running a Pflueger Purist(on sale at Cabela’s right now). Really like the Purist

    Baitcaster – started with a cheaper one that lasted 7 years. Sensitivity is not an issue. Upgraded to a St. Croix Premier and love it. Wouldn’t spend more money than that.
    Spinning – St. Croix Premier right out of the gate. Was worth putting the money here first. 11 years/17 week long trips to Canada with this rod and counting

    Options – IDO shows have had lighter but very high end spinning rods running braid. Might be a good option and more versatile. I don’t have personal experience with this.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 114

    Like Patk said, a MH baitcast rod would work well for most situations. I use a 7′ MH “bass” rod most of the time for pike. A longer “flipping stick” would also work really well for this. Also depends on the size lure you’re throwing. If you’re going to throw smaller musky lures for big pike, make sure the rod can handle it.

    Reel, I like a faster retrieve reel. Most of the time when pike fishing you don’t need to go slow. I have a quantum smoke (something or other) 7.0:1 ratio.

    For line, I prefer braid. Usually use 30lb braid on this type of rod.

    As for the brand of anything, too many good ones. Pick your favorite brand and it’ll have what you need.

    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    I like a bit heavier rod at say 7 1/2′, rated at 1/2 to 2 oz like to throw slightly bigger jerkbaits, swimbaits and such. Seem to get more larger pike and fewer hammer handles. I use 20 pound Sufix 832 with a 60# Seaguar leader. Never had much luck with bucktails or spoons in the local heavily fished waters for the nicer pike.

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    Reel, I like a faster retrieve reel. Most of the time when pike fishing you don’t need to go slow. I have a quantum smoke (something or other) 7.0:1 ratio.

    What kind of lures are you using? I’ve got a gift card burning a hole in my pocket and thinking about upgrading one of my Ambassadeurs this year.

    I agree with your speed comments that faster is often better for pike. See it time and time again that my buddy gets more strikes. Same reel but he can move it a bit faster.

    Tried a C4 Ambassadeur(6.3:1) once and got rid of it. Felt I had to work way to hard to retrieve the bigger Mepps inline spinners.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4110

    Thanks for the responses guys. I’m not too concerned about cost. I’m good with money and the only reason I get up and go to work is to financially support my wife and fishing (in no particular order haha) so I’m fine with putting my hard-earned money toward fishing.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 114

    I like Shimano, so I’d look for something in your price range and go that route. I have a Quantum that’s a few years old that I do like. Not sure what today’s equivalent model would be.

    For rods, the St. Croix Mojo bass has a few models I’d look at depending on the lures you’ll throw. They have a 7’1″ MH and a 7’4″ H that should be good all around rods. If you’re throwing slightly large lures, the 7’10” might be good. The avid series has a 7′ MH or H that would work well.

    Pat, I mainly throw spinnerbaits and jerkbaits (large husky jerks, etc.). And I tend to move them fairly quickly. Sometimes will throw swimbaits too, but usually the other 2 get the job done so I don’t bother.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17357

    Pat nailed it.

    7′ med heavy rod with a Abu Garcia reel and somewhere between 14lb and 20lb test mono depending where you are fishing. Cross Lock leaders are a must. IMO you need a good drag on the reel and a rod with a bit of backbone to it. Don’t go crazy spending money on a big buck set-up until you know you are a slimer. grin

    Posts: 6

    Sorry for tapping in.

    Been looking around for what I need for pike fishing and came across this.

    Was wondering the same as the OP. I am in VA. and planing a trip up north. Last time pike fishing remember missing several pike even with a leader + the spinnerbait was bit in half as well on 1 occasion.

    So, have been looking for back up tackle, just in case, as we like spincasting reels. May need to go with a spinning reel? bought a baitcaster, but can’t imagine using it in a canoe.

    Being in a canoe I prefer a pole at 5’6”, because I am in a tight space.

    So, what is a good spinning reel that carry a lot of #? because the rod that I think I need for pike is meant for the big water (ocean)!

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    @Daniel Richards

    Welcome to IDO!

    Tell us a little more about the trip you have planned. Several of us have canoe experience in the north country.

    Also, what lures styles or much more importantly what lure weights????

    Above were different but correct opinions. Everyone was choosing a rod/reel setup based on what lures and presentations.

    Posts: 6

    Heading up to Vermont in Sept. Hitting some pond/lakes/rivers for a couple days.
    Wife always wants to go to OBX, but I have been longing for pike fishing so this year OBX in July and VT in Sept!

    Last time I was there was 25yrs ago. Now I will be bringing the family, but only a couple of us will be doing the fishing.

    The canoe has 3 seats, when there are three of us, it makes it hard casting.
    Which is why I like 5’6” poles. Currently use spincast reels. Bought a Lews bait cast, but I am not used to the darn thing. Want to have some reels that can hold heavier line as I know what happens when you get a pike!
    Lew’s Fishing Speed Spin G2 High Speed Fishing Reel is what I have been looking at. I know we will need leaders.

    Majority of my fishing is with spinnerbaits 3/8 or 1/2 oz. My son’s like 1/4 oz.
    Like I said, 25 years ago all I used was the spincast reels and we caught a lot of bass and northerns but I think of the ones that broke the lines/leaders/spinners etc.

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    If you get that Lews reel in the SGH400 size you’ll be fine. That’s very comparable to my Pflueger Purist I use for pike. It will also work well for the size and type lures you reference. There are options at a cheaper price point too.

    Spool that or a comparable capacity reel with 12# mono. You can do quite well with that.

    Rods – in a canoe it always seems to be a compromise. Personally I like a 6ft when walleye fishing. At that length I can still use one hand for the rod and bring the fish to my other hand.

    Prefer 6’6″ overall. Somewhat depends on who I’m with. Harder but I can swing a fish to myself. If I have the option to swim the fish to my partner for unhooking, this length or even 7′ will work.

    I hate to say admit this on a fancy fishing site but I got an Ugly Stik medium heavy last summer in an emergency. For pike and a canoe that would actually be a good choice. Plenty durable and backbone. Also won’t kill you if/when something goes wrong as sometimes items get wrecked/lost in a canoe.

    One note on spinnerbaits. Sometimes the lightweight bass ones have an opening instead of a closed loop where the leader/line attaches. Make sure it’s a closed circle when chasing pike.

    Don’t know the part of the country your headed to. Be interesting if joc pops back in this thread.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17357

    I don’t have canoe experience but would offer that your drag will be as important as anything. Set the drag properly and let the big momma drag you around if need be. I always dress my spinnerbaits with a split tail plastic grub. Works for me, others don’t like them. A good lipless bait like a rattle trap is always near when fishing for Pike also. Be sure to have a jaw spreader and a long nose plier handy.

    We love helping and answering questions when we can, however we require photos so bring a camera! grin

    Posts: 6

    Patk, I have the closed loop thinking as I have used leaders. Back in the day my dad raised me on Zorro spinners and they had closed loops, today-they are not. Which made me go on Tacklewarehouse and look just for the closed. The ugly stick is what I use, eyeballing the falcon. The reel I use is Zebco Omega. Don’t Laugh, because I have caught tons of largemouth in the ponds of the valley of Shenandoah, also loads of smallies in the Shenandoah.

    Dutchboy, I as well will use a tail on spinners, mostly a long single, sometimes double, almost always chartreuse. Yes to the pliers. Always take pictures of the bass we catch, before we release them, my son’s are used to that.

    Posts: 109

    I have a couple like new St Croix Avids casting rods for sale. I also have some Abu Garcia reels spooled with braid. Be willing to throw you a great deal on a combo. I have a abu 4600 C3 and 5600 CI I would part with.

    Rod and one of thee reels, $160. Let me know

    Victoria, mn
    Posts: 820

    You’re fishing from a canoe with 2 others in it, which means you’re seated, little elbow room, casting sideways or at least quartering across your body. That makes it difficult to use a baitcaster, especially as you say you’re not comfortable with the one you have. Plus you’re fishing 3/8 and 1/2 ounce spinnerbaits. An open faced spinning reel is best, in my opinion. Spool it with 20-lb braid. I’ve used a cheap 7-foot 2-piece fiberglass rod I got as a giveaway at a pike tournament for many years. That combo has caught dozens of pike up to 47-1/2″ in northern Manitoba. You don’t need super sensitivity for pike. Not that I don’t use other rigs, but I’m saying you don’t need to spend a lot of money for your trip. You need one rig you can safely and effectively use in a canoe. Get an Ugly Stik rod and a good Shimano, Daiwa, Pfleuger or whatever quality brand size 30 spinning reel. I’d go at least 6-1/2′ on the rod, but I don’t know how that works for you in a canoe. Good luck.

    Posts: 6

    Been using Lew’s PS1HZ Baitcaster. Working out great! had a couple nest’s, but with all the practicing, I will be ready! Put KastKing 20# braid. Will be using a 5’7″ rod.
    For back up reels, have Zebco Omega ZO3pro, with 17#. This is what my son uses and they work fine for catching largemouth and smallies down here in VA. We caught 34 bass fishing in 2 ponds (4hrs on a Sat.) using these reels. Shenandoah river is great for smallies.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    The rod/reel/line combo should match the presentation, not the fish. Pick your setup based on how you like to fish, not what you like to fish for. Lots of good suggestions above, just apply the presentation in making your choice as opposed to the target species.

    Posts: 6

    Dutch boy wanted some pics. Sorry for not posting sooner! been busy fishing! and working.
    1st-Pike was caught in Vermont in Lake Bristol (early Sept.), after that adventure I picked up a 55lb thrust motor for my sq. back! the wind was killing me and I paddled more than fished.
    2ND-Muskie was caught in the Shenandoah river! on a jewel 3/4 spinner, man that was a nice catch! and that was a job canoeing down the river and and having to get out 3 times to go back up the rapids! the motor helped there and back (about 3 miles down to a dam).
    3rd-Me trying to do a selfie with a nice Bass caught in a Fort Valley mountain pond, another fun catch.

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