Best Propane Auger?

  • badgerbacker
    Posts: 75

    I am trying to decide between the Jiffy and Eskimo propane augers and looking for feedback from those who have used them. Thanks!
    BTW… I am sure your battery auger is great, but I am set on propane.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I’ve had the Eskimo for 2 Years now. It has been flawless so far. Knock on wood.

    Posts: 1179

    I have had the Eskimo 10″ HC-40 for two years now. Very reliable, no issues. Flighting gets coated in ice and can be a good work out. Won’t win in any speed cutting contests but Ill sacrifice speed cutting holes for flawless reliability. I would recommend the 8″.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I should have said in previous post I have the 8 inch bit. My previous Eskimo was a vintage 1980s model and was a 10 inch heavy beast. The 8 inch propane is a dream now.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    I have a jiffy, and as I posted somewhere earlier today. 1 pull, maybe 2, if it’s 3 it’s user error.
    I love it.

    Phil Pickering
    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 20

    I also have an Eskimo HC40 and love it.

    Posts: 756

    HC40 has been very reliable for me this winter. No idea how many holes we’ve drilled with it but I just put the second tank of the season on it, so quite a few holes.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Year number 4 or 5 on a Pro-4 lite and it’s been a good auger. Doesn’t get used as much as most, but it still starts up and runs fine.

    Posts: 83

    I just bought my propane auger and spent a lot of time researching online before I bought one. Maybe it was just me, but I found a lot of guys saying that the jiffy propane augers have line leaks, bog down when cutting through a lot of ice, and don’t start well when it is really cold. I went with an eskimo hc40 8″ and after 50 holes it has been perfect. I’m sure eskimo has issues just like jiffy, but I simply didn’t see as many guys complaining about them online.

    Posts: 3

    I have an Eskimo HC40 and have had no problems. Have left it outside overnight in -30° and it still started in the second pull without touching the throttle. Thinking about selling to get the new P1 Rocket because they are lighter and I’ve heard faster.

    Lincoln Schultz
    Posts: 18

    I have the eskimo 8inch p1 rocket. Im on hole 80 and have used 8 oz of propane drilling 20 to 24 inches. Usualy starts within 2 to 4 pulls depending on temp and time between use. As of now its a great auger and wouldnt sell it. It is brand new so time will tell. Lol

    Grasston, MN
    Posts: 467

    There are a few things you need to look at before you purchase.

    I am big on durability. I don’t care if its a pound or two heavier, I care that its protected “When” it gets dropped. You will notice the handle on the Jiffy extends wide enough to protect the engine and carb. Huge factor for me. Take a hard look at what is plastic on the two brands. Even how thick the plastic is. I have found that the Jiffy is a thick molded plastic.

    Line leaks… thats Gen 1 jiffy augers and has been fixed for years. Yes, there is always a chance of a bad crimp on a new auger but both manufactures risk that.

    Fuel delivery was another Gen 1 issue that was fixed after the Gen 1 motors.

    Jiffy now has the aluminum transmission and Eskimo states all metal transmission. Both sound worthy.

    Both augers are designed for Propane. Eskimo is not specifically designed for propane. Gas motors can run on propane and have for years. As a matter of fact the internal components and block probably come out of the same crate overseas….

    Jiffy invented the propane. It took years for someone to compete with them. They don’t have to “try” things. They lead the pack. Nobody wants Rev. O anything.

    Great time of the year to buy! Get out there and rip some holes!

    Posts: 756

    Both augers are designed for Propane. Eskimo is not specifically designed for propane. Gas motors can run on propane and have for years. As a matter of fact the internal components and block probably come out of the same crate overseas….

    Jiffy invented the propane. It took years for someone to compete with them. They don’t have to “try” things. They lead the pack. Nobody wants Rev. O anything.

    Seems that this statement contradicts your’s in regards to eskimo not specifically designed for propane.

    “Instead of just adapting a gasoline engine to run on propane, the engineers at Eskimo designed the engine on the HC40 to take full advantage of the higher octane rating of propane fuel.”

    Grasston, MN
    Posts: 467

    Sorry if you took my statement the wrong way.

    Here is the quote “As the innovators of the first ice auger engine designed specifically to harness the full potential of propane, we had a great platform to build from.”

    No matter which way you want to beat this one down. Two companies took a gas engine and run propane for fuel. Each rated to a specific cc. They both spin like crazy…

    Eskimo says its a high compression engine but does not put the compression ratio in the stats? nor did they want to give it out when I called to ask.

    Most likely because no one cares to dig that deep into these details…

    Again I am sorry that you took the post the wrong way, I was just trying to state some things that I know.

    Wisconsin Rapids, WI
    Posts: 43

    I’m on my 2nd season with a Jiffy Pro 44. Absolutely love it! No issues what so ever and noticeably lighter than my buddy’s HC 40

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    I think everyone is going to have a story about this product or that product that doesn’t work. It’s a very hard question to answer… which is best.

    For example, you have guys swearing by Jiffy’s and I know of three guys with Jiffy Pro’s laying in the corner that won’t run. Good luck on your decision. Personally I’d go electric or gas.

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