We are camping two nights on the Big Fork River. The mosquitoes appear extra thick this year. Camping on a river is just asking for the pain train, but we’re trying to make it as pleasant as possible, while we chase some fish.
Just curious what everyone likes to use to combat mosquitoes?
We plan on wearing long sleeve bugstopper shirts, pants, shoes, sun gloves . We have several thermacells and smoke coils. We are also packing a screened in tent/porch for camp. Also plan on spraying clothing with Sawyer Permethrin. Bug spray is no good for fly fishing line so trying to avoid usage on the boat.
Thinking about buying Lixada mesh suits or some head nets. These white mesh paint strainers seem like a cheap but effective barrier. Also might bring along a propane mosquito fogger for camp. Fingers crossed this area doesnt have deer flies.