Best gimmick you ever spent money on?

  • FryDog62
    Posts: 3696

    Dude Wipes… Someone gave me as a gag gift last Father’s Day. Although I never got the chance to use them. Was on a remote trip last year and my fishing partner got well… he needed them real bad. He went through a whole box. He says it was as good or better than a bidet shock

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Did anyone buy the Flowbee?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11099

    Mr. Microphone

    Posts: 6259

    Pet Rock. Never bought a mr. Microphone but always wanted to be that guy

    Posts: 3433

    Did anyone buy the Flowbee?

    I did. Used it for several years. Worked great. Pissed my wife off though. George Clooney also used it.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    Mr. Microphone

    Never bought it but can’t forget the commercial, even after over 40yrs. “Hey good looking, we’ll be back to pick you up later.”

    Just realized it’s a Ronco product. Should have known.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5561

    Oh I thought of two more items! The Miracle Blade kitchen knife set – Billy bought that probably about 15 years ago now and the knifes are still cutting.

    And the Tub Shroom – this is a very handy item to save on your shower drain!

    1. Tub-Shroom.jpg

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5561

    Okay just thought of several more… Billy and I apparently were suckers for gimmicks!

    1. Ove-Glove.jpg

    2. Turbi-Twist.jpg

    3. Hercules-Hooks.jpg

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I’m surprised Russian bride hasn’t been mentioned coffee

    Posts: 2838

    Sharon- those “tub shrooms” work great!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22154

    I bought 4 bamboo pillows one night when I was really to drunk to be taking my wallet out especially for a infomercial. Let alone it was 280 of the worst dollars I have ever spent in my life. My dog wouldn’t even lay on them

    Posts: 132

    1. EZty tool for making the loop through the eye of a jig for the palomar knot. I got a bunch years ago probably at the Northwest Sports Show and have give a few away over the years. It has changed over the years but still is basically a needle with a cut in the eye to make a hook small enough to go through the jig eye, place the line into the cut needle eye and pull the loop through the jig. The maker lived in Nisswa and was old when I bought it 10-15 years ago so I’m not sure if it’s still around.

    2. Some big eye jigs, also bought at either the Sports Show or Ice show. Big eye refers to the size of the eye that the line ties to, not the painted eye or googlie eye type jig. Again it’s to make it easier to tie a palomar knot. I haven’t seen them around in ages.

    3. The magic minnow catcher referred to earlier.

    Posts: 255

    The knives you guys are referring to was probably called the Miracle Blade. I have a set too and they’re still sharp. Even after using one to cut insulation.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    Who can forget the Magic 8 Ball…. it hasn’t steered me wrong in 40+ years !!! rotflol doah

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 39

    I have two of them in my tackle room. Used them for years!

    Posts: 1291

    Remember these on the back of comic books?A guy I knew from grade school got one.All I can say is the plastic lures looked like they were made from a Creepy crawlers kit.

    1. comic-book-fishing-outfit-scaled.jpg

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 327

    The George Foreman Grill.
    One heat setting, no safety latch, closes like a bear trap.
    The plastic drip tray somehow disappears after first use.

    Gotta love that thing waytogo

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